首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >A multilocus phylogeny of Malagasy scincid lizards elucidates the relationships of the fossorial genera Androngo and Cryptoscincus

A multilocus phylogeny of Malagasy scincid lizards elucidates the relationships of the fossorial genera Androngo and Cryptoscincus


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A phylogeny for 29 species of scincine lizards from Madagascar, based on 3693 bp of six mitochondrial and five nuclear genes, revealed multiple parallel evolution of adaptations for a burrowing life, and unexpected relationships of the monotypic genera Androngo and Cryptoscincus. Androngo trivittatus was sister to Pygomeles braconnieri, and Cryptoscincus minimus was deeply nested within the genus Paracontias, all of these being fossorial taxa of elongated bodies and partly or fully reduced limbs. To account for these results, we place Cryptoscincus as a junior synonym of Paracontias, and discuss possible taxonomic consequences that may affect the status of Androngo, once additional data become available.
机译:根据六个线粒体和五个核基因的3693 bp对马达加斯加29种新奇蜥蜴的系统发育史,揭示了适应性生长的多重平行进化,以及单型属安德龙戈和隐孢子虫的意外关系。 Androngo trivittatus是Bragonieri的姐妹,而Cryptoscincus minimus则深深地嵌套在Paracontias属中,所有这些都是细长体和部分或完全减少肢体的窝类群。为了说明这些结果,我们将隐孢子虫作为Paracontias的初级同义词,并讨论了一旦获得其他数据,可能会影响Androngo地位的潜在分类学后果。



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