首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >The evolutionary history and biogeography of Mimosoideae (Leguminosae): An emphasis on African acacias

The evolutionary history and biogeography of Mimosoideae (Leguminosae): An emphasis on African acacias


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The systematics of Mimosoideae has been in a state of flux, which reflects overall poor knowledge of the evolution and biogeography of this group. Preliminary molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest the tribal system of Mimosoideae needs a complete revision. This has led to the use of new generic names for Acacia sensu lato (s.l. hereafter) following the re-typification of Acacia with an Australian type: (i) Acacia sensu stricto (s.s. hereafter), Vachellia, Senegalia, Acaciella and Mariosousa. This study reconstructs the evolutionary history of Mimosoideae, using the most comprehensive sampling to date, with an emphasis on African species. It aims to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among the five recognized genera within Acacieae as the precursor to elucidate the paleo-biogeography of mimosoids and their adaptation to open habitats in the Cenozoic. The basal position of Mimoseae lineages with regards to Vachellia and Senegalia+. Mariosousa+. Acaciella+. Ingeae. +. Acacia s.s. clades is a novel finding. Vachellia (formerly Acacia subgenus Acacia) is found monophyletic. A grade including the remaining Mimoseae lineages is found sister to the Senegalia+. Mariosousa+. Acaciella+. Ingeae. +. Acacia s.s. clade. The major clades originated in the late Oligocene-early Miocene (~25. mya). The transitions from close to open habitats occurred during the Miocene for at least four mimosoid lineages. These are interpreted as responses to increased seasonality leading to fire climates and drying trends in the Miocene, which allowed the expansion of open habitats, such as savannas, worldwide.
机译:含羞草科的系统学一直处于不断变化的状态,这反映出对该群体的进化和生物地理学的整体了解不足。初步的分子系统发育分析表明,含羞草科的部落系统需要完整修订。在重新以澳大利亚类型对金合欢进行类型化之后,这导致了新的相思树(以下简称Sca)的新通用名称的使用。这项研究使用迄今为止最全面的采样,重点是非洲物种,重建了含羞草科的进化历史。它的目的是重建相思科五个公认属之间的系统发育关系,以阐明拟态的古生物地理学及其对新生代开放生境的适应性。 Mimoseae血统在Vachellia和Senegalia +方面的基础地位。 Mariosousa +。相思+。英阁+。金合欢进化枝是一个新颖的发现。发现Vachellia(原为相思属的相思属)是单系的。包含其余Mimoseae血统的等级被发现为Senegalia +的姐妹。 Mariosousa +。相思+。英阁+。金合欢进化枝。主要进化枝起源于渐新世晚期-中新世早期(〜25。mya)。从中生代到近生代的过渡发生在中新世时期,至少有四个含羞草世系。这些被解释为对季节性增加的反应,导致中新世发生火灾和干燥趋势,这使得诸如热带稀树草原的开放生境得以扩大。



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