首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Global phylogeography of the band-rumped storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro; Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae)

Global phylogeography of the band-rumped storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro; Procellariiformes: Hydrobatidae)

机译:带状风暴海燕的全球系统地理学(Oceanodroma castro; Procellariiformes:水:科)

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Factors shaping population differentiation in low latitude seabirds are not well-understood. In this study, we examined global patterns of DNA sequence variation in the mitochondrial control region of the band-rumped storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro), a highly pelagic seabird distributed across the sub-tropical and tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Despite previous classification as a single, monotypic species, fixed haplotype differences occurred between Atlantic and Pacific populations, and among all Pacific populations. In addition, Cape Verde and Galapagos birds formed distinct clades, estimated to have diverged from all other populations at least 150,000 years ago. Azores hot season populations were also genetically distinct, lending support to previous phenotypic evidence that they be recognized as a separate species. Seasonal populations in Madeira probably represent separate genetic management units. The phylogeography of the band-rumped storm-petrel appears to have been shaped by both nonphysical barriers to gene flow and Pleistocene oceanographic conditions. Ancestral populations likely expanded through contiguous range expansion and infrequent long-distance colonization into their current breeding range. These findings suggest several possible revisions to the taxonomy of the band-rumped storm-petrel.
机译:影响低纬度海鸟种群分化的因素尚未得到很好的理解。在这项研究中,我们检查了带状腰果风暴海燕(Oceanodroma castro)的线粒体控制区中DNA序列变异的总体模式,该海燕是分布在亚热带和热带大西洋及太平洋的高度浮游海鸟。尽管以前将其归类为单一的单型物种,但大西洋和太平洋种群之间以及所有太平洋种群之间仍存在固定的单倍型差异。此外,佛得角和加拉帕戈斯群岛的鸟类形成了独特的进化枝,估计至少在15万年前与所有其他种群分离。亚速尔群岛热季种群在遗传上也很独特,这为以前的表型证据提供了支持,即它们被认为是一个单独的物种。马德拉岛的季节性种群可能代表不同的遗传管理部门。带状风暴海燕的系统地理学似乎已经受到基因流的非物理性障碍和更新世海洋学条件的影响。通过连续的范围扩展和不频繁的长距离定居到其当前的繁殖范围,祖先群体可能会扩展。这些发现表明,对带隆起的风暴海燕的分类法进行了几种可能的修改。



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