首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Phylogenetics of the Lizard Genus Tropidurus (Squamata: Tropiduridae: Tropidurinae): Direct Optimization, Descriptive Efficiency, and Sensitivity Analysis of Congruence Between Molecular Data and Morphology

Phylogenetics of the Lizard Genus Tropidurus (Squamata: Tropiduridae: Tropidurinae): Direct Optimization, Descriptive Efficiency, and Sensitivity Analysis of Congruence Between Molecular Data and Morphology


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By use of the technique of direct optimization the phylogenetics of the cis-Andean lizard genus Tropidurus were examined on the basis of both molecular (ca. 1.04 kb of sequences from 12S rDNA, valine tDNA, and 16S rDNA) and morphological (93 characters) data. Although equal weighting of all parsimony cost functions logically must maximize descriptive efficiency and explanatory power of all evidence, a sensitivity analysis demonstrated that equal weighting of indels, transitions, transversions, and morphological change provided the most congruent solution between the molecular and the morphological data partitions. The position of Uranoscodon is resolved as the sister taxon of the remaining members of the Tropidurinae. Plica, Uracentron, and Strobilurus, previously considered synonyms of Tropidurus, are resurrected; the group of these three genera form the sister taxon of the former Tropidurus nanuzae group (herein named Eurolophosaurus) plus Tropidurus sensu stricto (composed of the T. bogerti, T. semitaeniatus, T. spinulosus, and T. torquatus groups, herein diagnosed).
机译:通过直接优化技术,以分子(大约来自12S rDNA,缬氨酸tDNA和16S rDNA的1.04 kb序列)和形态学(93个字符)的基础检查了顺式-安第斯蜥蜴属Tropidurus的系统发育。数据。尽管逻辑上所有简约成本函数的均等加权必须最大化所有证据的描述效率和解释力,但敏感性分析表明,插入缺失,过渡,颠换和形态变化的均等加权提供了分子数据和形态数据分区之间最一致的解决方案。 Uranoscodon的职位已确定为Tropidurinae其余成员的姊妹分类群。先前被认为是Tropidurus的同义词的Plica,Uracentron和Strobilurus已复活;这三个属组成的组是前Tropidurus nanuzae组(在此称为Eurolophosaurus)加上Tropidurus sensu stricto(由T. bogerti,T。semitaeniatus,T。spinulosus和T. torquatus组组成,在此诊断)的姐妹分类群。 。



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