首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Pseudobarbus (Cyprinidae): Shedding light on the drainage history of rivers associated with the Cape Floristic Region

Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Pseudobarbus (Cyprinidae): Shedding light on the drainage history of rivers associated with the Cape Floristic Region


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Relationships among the historically isolated lineages of Pseudobarbus were reconstructed using molecular and morphological data. Contradictions between the molecular and morphological phylogenies suggest convergent evolution and homoplasy in some morphological characters. The earliest divergence in Pseudobarbus was between P. quathlambae in Lesotho and the rest of the genus associated with the Cape Foristic Region in South Africa. A close relationship between P. phlegethon from the Olifants River system on the west coast of South Africa and a lineage of P. afer from small river systems in Afrotemperate Forests on the south coast, can only be explained through previous occurrence and subsequent extinction of ancestral populations in the Gourits River system. Several river systems had confluences before reaching lower sea levels, most notably during the last glacial maximum about 18,000 years ago, explaining closely related populations across different river systems. Mainly river capture explains shared lineages across river systems that did not share a common confluence during lower sea levels.
机译:使用分子和形态学数据重建了假单胞菌历史孤立世系之间的关系。分子系统发育和形态系统之间的矛盾表明某些形态特征中的趋同进化和同质性。 Pseudobarbus最早的分歧是在莱索托的P. quathlambae和与南非Cape Foristic地区有关的其他属之间。南非西海岸的奥利凡特河系统的P. phlegethon与南海岸的非洲温带森林中的小河系统的P. a。后代之间的密切关系只能通过先前的祖先发生和随后的灭绝来解释。古里特斯河系统中的人口。几个河流系统在达到较低海平面之前已经汇合,最值得注意的是在大约18,000年前的最后一次冰川期,解释了不同河流系统中密切相关的人口。主要是河流捕获解释了整个河流系统的共享谱系,这些谱系在较低的海平面期间没有共享的汇合点。



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