首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >Relationships and origin of endemic Lake Baikal gastropods (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences

Relationships and origin of endemic Lake Baikal gastropods (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences


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The phylogenetic relationships and the origin of two groups of rissooid freshwater snails endemic to Lake Baikal were investigated using partial mitochondrial COI, 12S rDNA, and 16S rDNA sequences. The Baikalian Benedictiinae proved to be closely related to the Lithoglyphinae. According to a molecular clock estimate the two groups diverged in the Paleogene. The Benedictiinae might have evolved autochthonously in precursors of Lake Baikal. The Baikalian Baicaliidae are probably most closely related to the Amnicolidae and the Bithyniidae. These groups diverged at the latest during the Cretaceous. Thus the origin of the Baicaliidae predates the origin of the Baikal rift zone. The Baicaliidae evolved probably in other Central Asian freshwater reservoirs. However, the radiation of the extant Baicaliidae only started in the Neogene and might have occurred autochthonously in Lake Baikal. The conchological similarity of the Baicaliidae and the Pyrgulidae is due to convergence. The Pyrgulidae diverged from the common stem lineage of the other hydrobiid families at the latest in the Jurassic. The Bithyniidae is derived from hydrobiids and is related to the Amnicolidae.
机译:利用部分线粒体COI,12S rDNA和16S rDNA序列研究了贝加尔湖特有的两组类risusoid淡水蜗牛的系统发生关系和起源。 Baikalian Benedictiinae被证明与Lilyglyphinae密切相关。根据分子钟的估计,两组在古近纪发散了。本笃会可能在贝加尔湖的前体中自发进化。 Baikalian Baicaliidae可能与Amnicolidae和Bithyniidae关系最密切。这些群体最晚在白垩纪时期出现分歧。因此,贝加利科的起源早于贝加尔湖裂谷带的起源。 Baicaliidae可能在其他中亚淡水水库中演化。但是,现存的百加里科科动物的辐射仅始于新近系,可能是在贝加尔湖自发发生的。 Baicaliidae和Pyrgulidae的概念相似性是由于收敛。最早在侏罗纪,Pyrgulidae与其他水生生物科的普通茎谱系不同。甲虫科(Bithyniidae)是从水生生物衍生而来的,与烟科(amnicolidae)有关。



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