首页> 外文期刊>Molecular phylogenetics and evolution >The complete mitochondrial genome of Scutigerella causeyae (Myriapoda : Symphyla) and the phylogenetic position of Symphyla

The complete mitochondrial genome of Scutigerella causeyae (Myriapoda : Symphyla) and the phylogenetic position of Symphyla


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The first complete mitochondrial genome of a representative of the Symphyla, Scutigerella causeyae (Arthropoda: Myriapoda), was sequenced using a PCR-based approach. Its gene order shows different positions for three tRNA genes compared to the ancestral arthropod pattern. Presence of a pseudogene with partial sequence similarity to rrnS favours the duplication-random loss model as an explanation for at least one of the translocations. None of the genome rearrangements hypothesized for S. causeyae are shared by any of the other four myriapod mitochondrial genomes sequenced so far (two from Chilopoda and two from Diplopoda). Different rearrangement events must have occurred independently in the lineages leading to S. causeyae, Lithobius forficatus, Scutigera coleoptrata and Diplopoda. Phylogenetic analyses could not unequivocally elucidate the position of Symphyla among myriapods. While the nucleotide dataset of eleven protein-coding genes gives weak support for an affinity to Chilopoda, this is not recovered with the corresponding amino acid dataset. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:使用基于PCR的方法对Symphyla的代表,Scutigerella Causeyae(Arthropoda:Myriapoda)的第一个完整的线粒体基因组进行了测序。与祖先节肢动物的模式相比,其三个tRNA基因的基因顺序显示出不同的位置。与rrnS具有部分序列相似性的假基因的存在有利于复制随机损失模型作为至少一种易位的解释。到目前为止,测序的其他四个无足纲线粒体基因组(两个来自千足目,两个来自双翅目)中的任何一个,都没有为假丝酵母假说的基因组重排所共有。在导致S. Causeyae,Lithobius forficatus,Scutigera coleoptrata和Diplopoda的血统中,必须独立发生不同的重排事件。系统发育分析不能明确地阐明Symphyla在无足纲动物中的位置。尽管11个蛋白质编码基因的核苷酸数据集对与Chilopoda的亲和力提供了较弱的支持,但相应的氨基酸数据集却无法恢复。 (c)2007 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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