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‘Direct PCR' optimization yields a rapid, cost-effective, nondestructive and efficient method for obtaining DNA barcodes without DNA extraction


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Macroinvertebrates that are collected in large numbers pose major problems in basic and applied biodiversity research: identification to species via morphology is often difficult, slow and/or expensive. DNA barcodes are an attractive alternative or complementary source of information. Unfortunately, obtaining DNA barcodes from specimens requires many steps and thus time and money. Here, we promote a short cut to DNA barcoding, that is, a nondestructive PCR method that skips DNA extraction (‘direct PCR') and that can be used for a broad range of invertebrate taxa. We demonstrate how direct PCR can be optimized for the larvae and adults of nonbiting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae), a typical invertebrate group that is abundant, contains important bioindicator species, but is difficult to identify based on morphological features. After optimization, direct PCR yields high PCR success rates (>90%), preserves delicate morphological features (e.g. details of genitalia, and larval head capsules) while allowing for the recovery of genomic DNA. We also document that direct PCR can be successfully optimized for a wide range of other invertebrate taxa that need routine barcoding (flies: Culicidae, Drosophilidae, Dolichopodidae, Sepsidae; sea stars: Oreasteridae). Key for obtaining high PCR success rates is optimizing (i) tissue quantity, (ii) body part, (iii) primer pair and (iv) type of Taq polymerase. Unfortunately, not all invertebrates appear suitable because direct PCR has low success rates for other taxa that were tested (e.g. Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Copepoda, Hymenoptera: Formicidae and Odonata). It appears that the technique is less successful for heavily sclerotized insects and/or those with many exocrine glands.
机译:大量收集的无脊椎动物在基础和应用生物多样性研究中提出了主要问题:通过形态识别物种通常是困难,缓慢和/或昂贵的。 DNA条码是一种有吸引力的替代或补充信息来源。不幸的是,从样本中获得DNA条形码需要许多步骤,因此需要时间和金钱。在这里,我们提倡DNA条形码的捷径,即跳过DNA提取(“直接PCR”)的无损PCR方法,该方法可用于多种无脊椎动物类群。我们展示了如何针对直接咬mid的幼虫和成虫(双翅目:Chironomidae)进行直接PCR优化,这是一个典型的无脊椎动物类,种类繁多,包含重要的生物指示剂种类,但很难根据形态特征进行鉴定。经过优化后,直接PCR可获得很高的PCR成功率(> 90%),保留了精致的形态特征(例如生殖器和幼虫头部囊的细节),同时允许基因组DNA的回收。我们还证明,直接PCR可以成功地针对需要常规条形码的其他无脊椎动物类群(蝇类::科,果蝇科、,科,cho科;海星:Oreasteridae)进行优化。获得高PCR成功率的关键是优化(i)组织数量,(ii)身体部位,(iii)引物对和(iv)Taq聚合酶的类型。不幸的是,并非所有无脊椎动物都适合,因为直接PCR对其他经过测试的类群(例如鞘翅目:Dytiscidae,Co足目,膜翅目:Formicidae和Odonata)的成功率很低。看来,该技术对于严重硬化的昆虫和/或具有许多外分泌腺的昆虫不太成功。



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