首页> 外文期刊>Molecular ecology >Plio-Pleistocene history of West African Sudanian savanna and the phylogeography of the Praomys daltoni complex (Rodentia): The environment/geography/genetic interplay

Plio-Pleistocene history of West African Sudanian savanna and the phylogeography of the Praomys daltoni complex (Rodentia): The environment/geography/genetic interplay


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Rodents of the Praomys daltoni complex are typical inhabitants of the Sudanian savanna ecosystem in western Africa and represent a suitable model for testing the effects of Quaternary climatic oscillations on extant genetic variation patterns. Phylogeographical analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences (cytochrome b) across the distribution range of the complex revealed several well-defined clades that do not support the division of the clade into the two species currently recognized on the basis of morphology, i.e. P.daltoni (Thomas, 1892) and Praomys derooi (Van der Straeten & Verheyen 1978). The observed genetic structure fits the refuge hypothesis, suggesting that only a small number of populations repeatedly survived in distinct forest-savanna mosaic blocks during the arid phases of the Pleistocene, and then expanded again during moister periods. West African rivers may also have contributed to genetic differentiation, especially by forming barriers after secondary contact of expanding populations. The combination of three types of genetic markers (mtDNA sequences, microsatellite loci, cytogenetic data) provides evidence for the presence of up to three lineages, which most probably represent distinct biological species. Furthermore, incongruence between nuclear and mtDNA markers in some individuals unambiguously points towards a past introgression event. Our results highlight the importance of combining different molecular markers for an accurate interpretation of genetic data.
机译:Praomys daltoni复合体的啮齿动物是非洲西部苏丹大草原生态系统的典型居民,代表了一种合适的模型,用于测试第四纪气候振荡对现有遗传变异模式的影响。线粒体DNA序列(细胞色素b)在复合物分布范围内的系统谱分析显示,几个定义明确的进化枝不支持将进化枝分为目前基于形态学识别的两个物种,即P.daltoni(Thomas (1892年)和Praomys derooi(Van der Straeten&Verheyen 1978年)。观察到的遗传结构符合避难所假说,这表明在更新世的干旱阶段,只有少数种群在不同的森林-热带稀树草原镶嵌块中反复存活,然后在潮湿时期再次扩大。西非河流也可能对遗传分化做出了贡献,特别是在人口不断增加的二次接触后形成障碍。三种类型的遗传标记(mtDNA序列,微卫星基因座,细胞遗传数据)的组合为存在多达三个谱系提供了证据,这三个谱系最有可能代表不同的生物物种。此外,在某些个体中,核标记与mtDNA标记之间的不一致会明确指出过去的基因渗入事件。我们的结果突出了组合不同分子标记物以准确解释遗传数据的重要性。



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