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Exploring the social aspects of goose bumps and their role in awe and envy


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Both awe and envy are emotions that can result from observing a powerful other, but awe should stabilize social hierarchies while envy should undermine them. Three studies explored how the physiological reaction of goose bumps might help in understanding these distinctive reactions to powerful others, as goose bumps should be associated with awe rather than envy. In Study 1, participants kept a four-week journal and made a detailed entry each time they experienced goose bumps. Goose bumps resulting from the emotion of awe were the second most frequently occurring type after reactions to cold. Consistent with understanding awe as an emotional reaction to powerful or superior others (Keltner and Haidt in Cogn Emot 17:297-314, 2003), many of these experiences had social triggers. In Study 2, accounts of goose bumps resulting from exposure to powerful or superior others contained greater awe than envy. Also, the intensity of goose bumps was positively correlated with awe and negatively correlated with envy. In Study 3, accounts of awe contained more goose bumps than accounts of envy, and goose bumps were positively correlated with awe.
机译:敬畏和嫉妒都是通过观察强大的他人而产生的情感,但是敬畏应该使社会等级制度稳定下来,而嫉妒则应该破坏它们。三项研究探索了鸡皮bump的生理反应如何有助于理解这些对强者的独特反应,因为鸡皮bump应与敬畏而不是嫉妒相关。在研究1中,参与者每次遇到鸡皮bump都会保留一份为期四周的日记,并进行详细记录。敬畏情绪引起的鸡皮bump是继感冒后第二常见的类型。与将敬畏理解为对强大或优越的他人的情感反应一致(Keltner and Haidt in Cogn Emot 17:297-314,2003),这些经历中有许多是社会触发因素。在研究2中,因接触强者或上等人而引起的鸡皮accounts的报道比羡慕更大。此外,鸡皮bump的强度与敬畏度呈正相关,与嫉妒呈负相关。在研究3中,敬畏的账目比嫉妒的账目包含更多的鸡皮bump,并且鸡bump与敬畏度呈正相关。



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