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Development and characterization of 11 microsatellite markers in the rock sparrow, Petronia petronia

机译:麻雀Petronia petronia的11种微卫星标记的开发和表征

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Eleven polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated in the passeriform Petronia petronia using the enrichment protocol FIASCO (fast isolation by AFLP of sequences containing repeats). We detected three to 13 alleles per locus in 25 specimens collected from an Italian population. The level of expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.439 to 0.856. One locus is sex linked to the Z chromosome. The total exclusionary probabilities using these loci for the first and the second parent were 0.978 and 0.999, respectively. These are the first microsatellite loci characterized from the rock sparrow that can be used for estimating population structure and for large-scale parentage analysis.
机译:使用富集协议FIASCO(通过AFLP快速分离包含重复序列的序列)在Passeriform Petronia petronia中分离了11个多态性微卫星基因座。我们从一个意大利人群中收集了25个标本,每个基因座检测到3至13个等位基因。预期的杂合水平在0.439至0.856之间。一种基因座是与Z染色体相关的性行为。使用这些基因座的第一双亲和第二双亲的总排除概率分别为0.978和0.999。这些是第一个以麻雀为特征的微卫星基因座,可用于估计种群结构和大规模的亲子关系分析。



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