首页> 外文期刊>Molecular ecology >Temporal cline in a hybrid zone population between Fraxinus excelsior L. and Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl

Temporal cline in a hybrid zone population between Fraxinus excelsior L. and Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl


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The two closely related ash species Fraxinus excelsior L. (common ash) and Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl (narrow-leaved ash) have a broad contact zone in France where they hybridize. However, little is known about the local structure of hybrid zone populations and the isolation mechanisms. We assessed the potential effect of floral phenology on the structure of a riparian ash hybrid zone population in central France. The distribution of flowering times was unimodal and lay between the flowering periods of the two species. Using microsatellite markers, we detected isolation by time, which has possibly originated from assortative mating. Multivariate analyses indicated that morphological variation is not distributed at random with respect to flowering times. Spatial autocorrelation analyses showed that temporal and spatial patterns were tightly linked. Interestingly, despite the fact that the population shows isolation by time, neighbourhood size and historical dispersal variance (sigma = 63 m) are similar to those detected in pure stands of F. excelsior where individuals flower rather synchronously and hermaphrodites are not the most frequent sexual type. Trees flowering at intermediate dates, which comprised the majority of the population, produced on average more flowers and fruits. We detected no significant differences in floral parasite infections relative to reproductive timing, although there was a tendency for late flowering trees to suffer from more gall attack. We discuss the impact of temporal variation in fitness traits and their possible role in the maintenance of the hybrid zone.
机译:两种密切相关的灰种:优良的白蜡木(Fashinus excelsior L.)和普通的白蜡木(Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl)(窄叶灰)在法国有广泛的接触区,可以在其中杂交。但是,对混合区种群的局部结构和隔离机制知之甚少。我们评估了花卉物候对法国中部沿岸灰杂种带种群结构的潜在影响。开花时间的分布是单峰的,位于两个物种的开花期之间。使用微卫星标记,我们检测到了时间上的隔离,这可能起源于分类交配。多变量分析表明,形态变化并非随开花时间随机分布。空间自相关分析表明,时空格局紧密相关。有趣的是,尽管种群显示出时间上的隔离,但邻里大小和历史散布方差(sigma = 63 m)与纯种F. excelsior中检测到的相似,其中个体同步开花并且雌雄同体不是最频繁的性行为。类型。占人口大多数的中等日期开花的树木平均产生更多的花朵和果实。尽管后期开花树木有遭受更多胆汁侵袭的趋势,但我们并未发现相对于生殖时间而言,花卉寄生虫感染没有显着差异。我们讨论了适时性状的时间变化的影响及其在维持混合区中的可能作用。



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