首页> 外文期刊>Measurement Science & Technology >Temperature variation effects on stochastic characteristics for low-cost MEMS-based inertial sensor error

Temperature variation effects on stochastic characteristics for low-cost MEMS-based inertial sensor error


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We examine the effect of varying the temperature points on MEMS inertial sensors' noise models using Allan variance and least-squares spectral analysis (LSSA). Allan variance is a method of representing root-mean-square random drift error as a function of averaging times. LSSA is an alternative to the classical Fourier methods and has been applied successfully by a number of researchers in the study of the noise characteristics of experimental series. Static data sets are collected at different temperature points using two MEMS-based IMUs, namely MotionPakII and Crossbow AHRS300CC. The performance of the two MEMS inertial sensors is predicted from the Allan variance estimation results at different temperature points and the LSSA is used to study the noise characteristics and define the sensors' stochastic model parameters. It is shown that the stochastic characteristics of MEMS-based inertial sensors can be identified using Allan variance estimation and LSSA and the sensors' stochastic model parameters are temperature dependent. Also, the Kaiser window FIR low-pass filter is used to investigate the effect of de-noising stage on the stochastic model. It is shown that the stochastic model is also dependent on the chosen cut-off frequency.
机译:我们使用艾伦方差和最小二乘频谱分析(LSSA)研究了温度点变化对MEMS惯性传感器噪声模型的影响。艾伦方差是一种将均方根随机漂移误差表示为平均时间的函数的方法。 LSSA是经典傅里叶方法的替代方法,已被许多研究人员成功地用于研究实验序​​列的噪声特性。使用两个基于MEMS的IMU(即MotionPakII和Crossbow AHRS300CC)在不同温度点收集静态数据集。根据在不同温度点的Allan方差估计结果,可以预测两个MEMS惯性传感器的性能,并且使用LSSA来研究噪​​声特性并定义传感器的随机模型参数。结果表明,使用Allan方差估计和LSSA可以识别基于MEMS的惯性传感器的随机特性,并且传感器的随机模型参数与温度有关。此外,Kaiser窗口FIR低通滤波器用于研究去噪级对随机模型的影响。结果表明,随机模型还取决于选择的截止频率。



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