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Statistical analysis of the characteristics of some basic mass-produced passive electrical circuits used in measurements


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Statistical properties of some basic mass-produced passive electrical circuits used in measurements are analyzed in this paper, using methods for expressing measurement uncertainty of indirectly measured quantities. The focus of this paper is on electrical circuits whose defining parameters are obtained as non-linear functions of component parameters. Variants of voltage divider and Wheatstone bridge circuits significant for measurement practice are investigated in detail. Even if distributions with symmetrical probability density functions (PDFs), such as uniform or normal, are adopted for the parameters of the components comprising a circuit, non-linearity of the circuit function gives rise to asymmetry in the PDF of the circuit's parameter. The asymmetry of the PDF causes the mean and the nominal value of the circuit parameter to differ.
机译:本文使用表示间接测量量的测量不确定度的方法,分析了用于测量的一些基本的大量生产的无源电路的统计特性。本文的重点是电路,其定义参数作为组件参数的非线性函数获得。详细研究了分压器和惠斯通电桥电路对测量实践的重要影响。即使对于构成电路的组件的参数采用具有均匀或正态的对称概率密度函数(PDF)的分布,电路函数的非线性也会导致电路参数PDF的不对称。 PDF的不对称会导致电路参数的平均值和标称值不同。



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