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MGIF's Management Mantra


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Robert Peaslee, a third generation president of Manitowoc Grey Iron Foundry (MGIF), Manitowoc, Wis., loves wine. Particularly, he loves finding a good deal on wine. So when he was recently suggested a comparison between wine pricing and his company's cost structure--he readily admits it is not the industry low--he ran with it. "A good buyer throws out the high and the low quote and looks at the next two or three," Peaslee said. "You don't want the $50 bottle or the Two Buck Chuck. But somewhere in between, there is a reasonable bottle of wine that is about $10-20, and it's perfect." Peaslee hopes his customers feel the same way, and judging by the company's success Over the past decade--it had close to the best year in its history in 2008 and is now gradually climbing back to those levels--they do.
机译:威斯康星州马尼托瓦克市马尼托瓦克灰铸铁厂(MGIF)第三代总裁罗伯特·皮斯利(Robert Peaslee)喜欢葡萄酒。特别是,他喜欢在葡萄酒上找到很多优惠。因此,当最近有人建议他将葡萄酒的价格与公司的成本结构进行比较时(他很容易承认这不是行业的低价),于是他坚持了下来。皮斯利说:“一个好的买家会抛出高和低的报价,然后看接下来的两三个。” “你不想要50美元一瓶的葡萄酒或两块钱的Chuck。但是介于两者之间,有一瓶合理的葡萄酒大约是10-20美元,这是完美的。” Peaslee希望他的客户也能有同样的感觉,并以公司的成功来判断。过去十年来,公司已接近其历史上最好的一年,而现在正逐步回升至这些水平,过去十年来。



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