首页> 外文期刊>Measurement Science & Technology >Provenance study of ancient Chinese Yaozhou porcelain by neutron activation analysis

Provenance study of ancient Chinese Yaozhou porcelain by neutron activation analysis


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This paper reports our study of the provenance of ancient Chinese Yaozhou porcelain. The content of 29 elements in the Yaozhou porcelain samples was measured by neutron activation analysis (NAA). The NAA data were further analysed using fuzzy cluster analysis to obtain the trend fuzzy cluster diagrams. These samples with different glaze colour, ranging over more than 700 years, were fired in different kilns. Our analysis indicates the relatively concentrated distribution of the sources of the raw material for the Yaozhou porcelain body samples. They can be classified into two independent periods, i.e. the Tang (AD 618-907) and the Five Dynasties (AD 907-960) period, and the Song (AD 960-1279) and Jin (AD 1115-1234) period. Our analysis also indicates that the sources of the raw material for the ancient Yaozhou porcelain glaze samples are quite scattered and those for the black glaze in the Tang Dynasty are very concentrated. The sources of the raw material for the celadon glaze and the white glaze in the Tang Dynasty are widely distributed and those for the celadon glaze in the Song Dynasty are close to those of the bluish white glaze in the Jin Dynasty, and they are very concentrated. The sources of the raw material for the porcelain glazes cover those of the porcelain bodies.
机译:本文报道了我们对中国古代耀州瓷器起源的研究。用中子活化分析法(NAA)测量了耀州瓷样品中29种元素的含量。使用模糊聚类分析进一步分析NAA数据,以获得趋势模糊聚类图。这些具有700多年不同釉色的样品在不同的窑炉中焙烧。我们的分析表明,耀州瓷体样品的原料来源相对集中。它们可以分为两个独立的时期,即唐(AD 618-907)和五朝(AD 907-960)时期,以及Song(AD 960-1279)和Jin(AD 1115-1234)时期。我们的分析还表明,唐代古代耀州瓷釉样品的原料来源非常分散,唐代黑釉的原料来源非常集中。唐代青瓷釉和白釉的原料来源广泛,宋代青瓷釉的原料与金代青釉的原料相近,而且集中度很高。 。瓷釉的原料来源涵盖了瓷器的原料。



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