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Benchmarking FeCr empirical potentials against density functional theory data


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Three semi-empirical force field FeCr potentials, two within the formalism of the two-band model and one within the formalism of the concentration dependent model, have been benchmarked against a wide variety of density functional theory (DFT) structures. The benchmarking allows an assessment of how reliable empirical potential results are in different areas relevant to radiation damage modelling. The DFT data consist of defect-free structures, structures with single interstitials and structures with small di-and tri-interstitial clusters. All three potentials reproduce the general trend of the heat of formation (h.o.f.) quite well. The most important shortcomings of the original two-band model potential are the low or even negative h.o.f. for Cr-rich structures and the lack of a strong repulsion when moving two solute Cr atoms from being second-nearest neighbours to nearest neighbours. The newer two-band model potential partly solves the first problem. The most important shortcoming in the concentration dependent model potential is the magnitude of the Cr-Cr repulsion, being too strong at short distances and mostly absent at longer distances. Both two-band model potentials do reproduce long-range Cr-Cr repulsion. For interstitials the two-band model potentials reproduce a number of Cr-interstitial binding energies surprisingly well, in contrast to the concentration dependent model potential. For Cr interacting with clusters, the result can sometimes be directly extrapolated from Cr interacting with single interstitials, both according to DFT and the three empirical potentials.
机译:已经针对各种密度泛函理论(DFT)结构对三个半经验力场FeCr势进行了标定,其中两个在两带模型的形式中,一个在浓度依赖模型的形式中。通过基准测试,可以评估在与辐射损伤建模相关的不同区域中,潜在经验结果的可靠性如何。 DFT数据包括无缺陷结构,具有单个间隙的结构以及具有较小的二间隙和三间隙簇的结构。所有这三种潜力都很好地再现了地热(h.o.f.)的总体趋势。原始两波段模型电势的最重要缺点是h.o.f较低或什至为负。富铬结构以及将两个溶质Cr原子从第二近邻转移到最近邻域时缺乏强排斥力的原因。更新的两波段模型潜力部分解决了第一个问题。浓度依赖性模型电势中最重要的缺点是Cr-Cr排斥力的大小,在短距离时太强,而在长距离时大多不存在。两个带模型的电势均会重现远程Cr-Cr排斥。对于间隙,两带模型电位与浓度依赖性模型电位相反,出人意料地很好地复制了许多Cr-间隙结合能。对于Cr与簇的相互作用,根据DFT和三个经验潜力,有时可以从Cr与单个间隙的相互作用直接推断结果。



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