首页> 外文期刊>Minerals & Metals Review Weekly >India's carbon tracing prospects hinge on 'destiny's man' Obama

India's carbon tracing prospects hinge on 'destiny's man' Obama


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As Barrack Hussein Obama took over the first Afro - American president giving "audacity of hope" to millions across the globe , Indian environment experts hope that the new president's 'green policies' will give a much needed boost for carbon trading. The prospects of India's carbon trade depend on Obama's stand on climate change and green house gas emission issues, they opine .India has projects lined up for 450 million carbon credits by 2020 and if the markets do not show positive signs, these may become unviable, according to environment experts. The prices of carbon credits have fallen to about euro 12 per tonne level from a peak of euro 20 few months ago - a level, which experts feel, is unlikely to be regained in the short term.
机译:巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barrack Hussein Obama)接任第一任美国黑人总统后,向全球数以百万计的人传递了“希望的声音”,印度环境专家希望新任总统的“绿色政策”将为碳交易提供急需的动力。他们认为,印度碳交易的前景取决于奥巴马在气候变化和温室气体排放问题上的立场。印度计划在2020年之前获得4.5亿碳信用额的项目,如果市场没有积极迹象,这些项目可能变得不可行,根据环境专家的说法。碳信用额的价格已从几个月前的20欧元的峰值跌至每吨12欧元左右-专家认为,短期内不太可能恢复该水平。



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