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Baise Yinhai to double aluminium ingot capacity


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Even as the rest of the word is showing concerns on the domestic scene in China, the country's Baise Yinhai Aluminium Co. is likely to double ingot capacity to 200,000 tpy in view of strong demand prospects within its home market. The proposed expansion has only recently been drawn up and approved by the company's shareholders, comprising several concerns in the Guangxi autonomous region, and is still subject to the consent of the central government. If approved by Beijing, a feasibility study will be launched to establish the cost, financing and timetable for the project, according to Baise Yinhai officials. In the meantime, the Chinese smelter is ramping up production to 100,000 tpy following its start-up late last year with an initial capacity of 50,000 tpy. Work on the expansion involves the addition of 84 pre-bake cells and began last month. The increased capacity is scheduled to come on stream by April 2004, although the project could yet be accelerated to year-end. All of the smelter's alumina is imported.



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