
The cho estero rush

机译:cho estero rush

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A cholesterol-reducing cheese alternative that started life as a small own label product is set to spearhead the cholesterol-reducing stampede of 2005, reports Richard Truman. Back in 2003 a small UK-based company called Angel Technology scored a winwhen it persuaded UK supermarket chain Tesco to take its cholesterol-reducing Cheddar-style cheese alternative under its Healthy Living in-house brand. In January this year that very same product was launched in Portugal and Belgium under Swiss dairy Emmi's new MiniCol brand. It is also being sold in the US. Emmi, which stands as one of Europe's leading functional food companies, sees MiniCol as an important part of its rapid expansion strategy, which it hopes will be bolstered by a recent float on theSwiss stock exchange.
机译:理查德·杜鲁门(Richard Truman)报告说,一种降低胆固醇的奶酪替代品最初是一种小型自有品牌产品,将成为2005年降低胆固醇的浪潮的先锋。早在 2003 年,一家名为 Angel Technology 的英国小型公司说服英国连锁超市乐购将其降低胆固醇的切达干酪替代品纳入其内部健康生活品牌,从而取得了胜利。今年1月,同样的产品在葡萄牙和比利时以瑞士乳品Emmi的新MiniCol品牌推出。它也在美国销售。Emmi是欧洲领先的功能性食品公司之一,将MiniCol视为其快速扩张战略的重要组成部分,并希望最近在瑞士证券交易所上市将支持这一战略。



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