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Release of viral transgenic plants to the environment: prospects and problems


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Recent advances in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of how viruses function and how they interact with plants have led to the development of non-conventional approaches to protection of plants against viruses. Many of these approaches, giving what is sometimes termed pathogen-derived protection, involve the introduction of viral or virus-based sequences into the plant's genome. Expression of these sequences then interferes with one or more of the viral functions, thus giving some protection against the virus. This topic has attracted considerable attention and has been reviewed several times previously {Beachy, 1988; Baulcombe, 1989; van den Elzen et at., 1989;Gadani et al., 1990; Hull, 1990a, 1990b, 1994; Loesch-Frles, 1990; Mayo and Barker, 1990; Joshi and Joshi, 1991; Harms, 1992; Hull and Davies, 1992; Wilson, 1993; Fitchen and Beachy 1993; several papers in the volume edited by Beachy, 1993; Wilson and Davies, 1994). The viral genes most frequently used to provide protection are those for the coat protein, the viral repllcase and the cell-to-cell movement protein (see above reviews for details). Among those also being considered as targets are Insect transmission factors and replication and expression control sequences. In the case of coat protein, protection is often given by the unmodified gene product. However, most other gene products are used In a form modified to affect normal functioning. There is Increasing evidence that in some situations it is the expressed RNA and not the gene product which gives the protection.
机译:在理解病毒如何起作用以及它们如何与植物相互作用的分子机制方面的最新进展导致了保护植物免受病毒侵袭的非常规方法的发展。这些方法中有许多提供有时被称为病原体衍生保护的方法,涉及将病毒或基于病毒的序列引入植物基因组中。然后,这些序列的表达会干扰一种或多种病毒功能,从而为病毒提供某种保护。这个话题已经引起了相当多的关注,并且先前已经被多次评论过(Beachy,1988; 1988)。鲍尔科姆,1989年; van den Elzen等,1989; Gadani等,1990;赫尔(Hull),1990a,1990b,1994; Loesch-Frles,1990年; Mayo和Barker,1990年;乔希(Joshi)和乔希(Joshi),1991;危害,1992年;赫尔和戴维斯,1992年;威尔逊(Wilson),1993年; Fitchen和Beachy 1993;比奇(Beachy)在1993年编辑的几卷论文中;威尔逊和戴维斯(1994)。最常用于提供保护的病毒基因是外壳蛋白,病毒repcase和细胞间移动蛋白的基因(有关详细信息,请参见上述评论)。昆虫传播因子以及复制和表达控制序列也被认为是靶标。对于外壳蛋白,通常由未修饰的基因产物提供保护。但是,大多数其他基因产物以修饰的形式使用,以影响正常功能。越来越多的证据表明,在某些情况下,表达的是RNA而不是提供保护的基因产物。



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