首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogy and Petrology >Geology and geochemistry of telluride-bearing Au deposits in the Pingyi area, Western Shandong, China

Geology and geochemistry of telluride-bearing Au deposits in the Pingyi area, Western Shandong, China


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Telluride-bearing gold deposits of the Pingyi area, western Shandong, China, are located on the southeastern margin of the North China Craton. There are two main types of deposits: (i) mineralized cryptoexplosive breccia, e.g., Guilaizhuang; and (ii) stratified, finely-disseminated mineralization hosted in carbonate rocks, e.g., Lifanggou and Mofanggou deposits. In Guilaizhuang, the cryptoexplosive breccia is formed within rocks of the Tongshi complex and Ordovician dolomite. The mineralization is controlled by an E-W-trending listric fault. Stratified orebodies of the Lifanggou and Mofanggou deposits are placed along a NE-trending, secondary detachment zone. They are hosted within dolomitic limestone, micrite and dolomite of the Early-Middle Cambrian Changqing Group. The mineralization in the ore districts is considered to be related to the Early Jurassic Tongshi magmatic complex that formed in a continental arc setting on the margin of the North China Craton. The host rocks are porphyritic and consist predominantly of medium- to fine-grained diorite and pyroxene (hornblende)-bearing monzonite. SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating of diorites give a ~(206)pb/~(238)U weighted mean age of 175.7 +- 3.8 Ma. This is interpreted as representing the crystallization age of the Tongshi magmatic complex. Considering the contact relationships between the magmatic and host sedimentary rocks, as well as the genetic link with the deposits, we conclude that this age is relevant also for the formation of mineralization in the Pingyi area. We hence consider that the deposits formed in the Jurassic. The principal gold minerals are native gold, electrum and calaverite. Wall-rock alteration comprises pyritization, fiuoritization, silicification, carbonatization and chloritization. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that all the analyzed inclusions are of two-phase vapor-liquid NaCl-H_2O type. Homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions vary from 103 deg C to 250 deg C, and the ice melting temperatures range from - 2.5 deg C to -13.5 deg C, corresponding to a salinity range of 4.65 to 17.26 wt.percent NaCl equiv. The delta~(34)S values of pyrite associated with gold mineralization exhibit a narrow range of -0.71 to +2.99 per thousand, implying that the sulfur was probably derived from the mantle and/or dioritic magma. The delta~(13)C_(PDB) values of the fluid inclusions in calcite range from -7.3 to 0.0 per thousand. The delta~(18)O_(SMOW) values of vein quartz and calcite range from 11.5 to 21.5 per thousand, corresponding to delta~(18)O_(fluid) values of -1.1 to 10.9 per thousand; deltaD values of the fluid inclusions vary between -70 and -48 per thousand. The isotope data for all three deposits suggest mixing of ore-forming fluids derived from the mantle and/or magma with different types of fluids at shallow levels. Pressure release and boiling of the fluids, as well as fluid-rock interaction (Lifanggou and Mofanggou) and mixing of magmatically-derived fluids with meteoritic waters (Guilaizhuang) played an important role in the ore-forming processes.
机译:中国山东省山东省平邑县的含碲化物金矿位于华北克拉通的东南边缘。矿床有两种主要类型:(i)矿化隐爆角砾岩,例如贵来庄; (ii)分层,精细分布的成矿作用存在于碳酸盐岩中,例如李坊沟和磨坊沟矿床。在贵来庄,在通石复合体和奥陶纪白云岩的岩石中形成了隐爆角砾岩。矿化作用由E-W趋势李斯特断裂控制。栗坊沟和磨坊沟矿床的分层矿体沿东北向的次生分离带分布。它们包含在中早寒武纪长庆群的白云质石灰岩,微晶岩和白云岩中。矿区中的矿化被认为与华北克拉通边缘大陆弧环境中形成的侏罗纪早期的通史岩浆复合体有关。主体岩石是斑状的,主要由中等至细粒度的闪长岩和辉石(角闪石)组成的蒙脱石组成。闪长岩的SHRIMP U-Pb锆石测年法给出的〜(206)pb /〜(238)U加权平均年龄为175.7±3.8 Ma。这被解释为代表通石岩浆复合体的结晶年龄。考虑到岩浆与宿主沉积岩之间的接触关系,以及与沉积物的成因联系,我们得出结论,这个年龄也与平邑地区的成矿作用有关。因此,我们认为这些沉积物是在侏罗纪形成的。主要的金矿产是原生金,伊铜和钙铁矿。围岩蚀变包括黄铁矿化,氟化,硅化,碳化和氯化。流体包裹体研究表明,所有分析的包裹体均为两相气液NaCl-H_2O型。流体包裹体的均质化温度在103摄氏度至250摄氏度之间变化,冰融化温度在-2.5摄氏度至-13.5摄氏度之间,相当于盐度范围为4.65至17.26 wt。%NaCl当量。与金矿化有关的黄铁矿的δ(34)S值在-0.71至+ 2.99 /千的狭窄范围内,这意味着硫可能来自地幔和/或闪长岩浆。方解石中流体包裹体的δ〜(13)C_(PDB)值范围为-7.3至0.0 /千。脉石和方解石的δ〜(18)O_(SMOW)值范围为千分之11.5至21.5,对应于δ-(18)O_(流体)千分之-1.1至10.9。流体包裹体的δD值在千分之-70至-48之间变化。所有这三个矿床的同位素数据表明,来自地幔和/或岩浆的成矿流体与浅层不同类型的流体混合。流体的压力释放和沸腾,以及流体与岩石的相互作用(李坊沟和磨坊沟)以及岩浆衍生的流体与陨石水的混合(归来庄)在成矿过程中发挥了重要作用。



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