
World Market: May 13-27, 2011


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Arabica coffee prices have eased slightly in the period under review, with New York futures backing off further from 14-year peaks reached in early May. Although some volatile moves could be observed, the July contract rose 2.3% over the two sessionsto May 18 before losing 4.0% over the next two sessions; overall volatility seemed limited compared with the period between mid-April and mid-May. Amid a lack of fresh fundamental news, the market mainly moved on speculative action, fund activity and development in outside markets. In contrast, robusta futures in London edged up in the two weeks to May 27 on strong roaster demand, dwindling stocks in Vietnam and expected lower production in Indonesia despite a continuous build-up of stocks in LIFFE-nominated warehouses. In mid-May, futures were hit by a wave of fund liquidation and the July contract lost 4.3% on May 16 to $2,473 per tonne, but recovered since then.
机译:在本报告所述期间,阿拉比卡咖啡的价格略有下降,纽约期货从5月初达到的14年峰值进一步回落。尽管可以观察到一些动荡的走势,但到5月18日为止的两个交易日中,7月合约上涨了2.3%,随后的两个交易日中下跌了4.0%。与4月中旬至5月中旬相比,总体波动幅度似乎有限。在缺乏新的基本面消息的情况下,市场主要转向投机行为,基金活动和外部市场的发展。相比之下,伦敦的罗布斯塔(robusta)期货在5月27日之前的两周内上涨,原因是强劲的焙烤炉需求,越南的库存减少以及印度尼西亚的产量下降,尽管LIFFE提名的仓库中的库存持续增加。 5月中旬,期货受到一轮基金清算的打击,7月合约在5月16日下跌4.3%,至每吨2,473美元,但此后一直回升。



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