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New Requirements Imposed on the European Alternative Investment Funds Industry


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On 19 December 2012, the European Commission (the 'Commission') adopted implementing measures ('Level 2' or the 'Regulation') in relation to the Directive on Alternative Investment Fund Managers (the 'AIFMD' or 'Directive'). The Regulation supplements certain elements of the Directive and contains implementing rules that will have direct effect in European Economic Area ('EEA') Member States on application without the need for national implementing legislation. In step with the current push by European regulators for a single rulebook for financial services in Europe, the Level 2 measures are set out as a regulation, rather than directive, meaning that they are directly applicable without the need for implementing legislation at the European Member State level. Although it leaves Member States with only the most limited amount of flexibility in implementation, the disadvantages of this restriction are outweighed, according to the Commission, by the measure ensuring a 'level playing field' through maximum harmonisation.
机译:2012年12月19日,欧盟委员会(“委员会”)针对另类投资基金管理人指令(“ AIFMD”或“指令”)采取了实施措施(“二级”或“法规”)。该法规对指令的某些要素进行了补充,并包含了实施规则,这些实施规则将对欧洲经济区(EEA)成员国的申请产生直接影响,而无需国家实施立法。与欧洲监管机构当前推动在欧洲制定单一金融服务规则手册的步伐一致,第2级措施被列为法规而非指令,这意味着它们可直接适用,而无需在欧洲成员国实施法规州一级。根据委员会的说法,尽管它使成员国在执行方面仅具有最有限的灵活性,但这种限制的弊端却被通过最大程度的协调确保“公平竞争环境”的措施所抵消。



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