
Project Aurora


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In 1985, a censor's error let an item labelled 'Aurora', with no further explanation, appear in that year's Pentagon budget request, with a reference to 'production funding' for 1987. It was located next to the operating budgets for the SR-71 and U-2. The Pentagon refused to comment on the item and it has never been mentioned since. In 1986, the US government sealed off large areas of land around the top secret Groom Lake base in Nevada. Many new buildings have been built at Groom Lake during the 1980s, and intense activity continues. The government is currently in the process of taking over more large areas of land around the base, in order to make it impossible to observe the base from publicly accessible land. The extensive security measures imply that some very important and very secret activity is going on there. Officially, the USAF won't even admit that the base exists...
机译:1985年,由于检查员的错误,在五角大楼当年的预算请求中出现了一个标有“ Aurora”(没有进一步解释)的项目,并提到了1987年的“生产资金”。该项目位于SR- 71和U-2。五角大楼拒绝对此项目发表评论,此后再也没有提及。 1986年,美国政府封锁了内华达州最高机密的新郎湖基地周围的大片土地。 1980年代,格鲁姆湖(Groom Lake)建造了许多新建筑,而且活动持续不断。政府目前正在征服基地周围更大面积的土地,以使其无法从可公开获得的土地上观察基地。广泛的安全措施意味着那里正在进行一些非常重要且非常秘密的活动。正式来说,美国空军甚至都不承认基地的存在。



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