
A Close Shave


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The Battle of the Bulge, or the Wacht am Rhein campaign as the operation was called, when the German forces launched their surprise attack on the Americans in the Ardennes on 16th December 1944, has been an inspiration to many modellers through the years, with a wealth of different tanks and uniforms being used. Over the years I have made several dioramas depicting different actions in the campaign, but all of them are long gone, either as gifts to friends and family, or into the bin... Of particular interest to me are the actions of Kampfgruppe Peiper, and first and foremost, the breakthrough of the German lines on the 23rd and 24th December after being cut off at La Gleize, where the formation was forced to abandon all vehicles and heavy equipment. I had worked on another diorama for months and while rummaging around for some bits and pieces, I found a half finished Jeep and Warriors 'Panzerknacker' set. The Jeep had initially been part of an idea that turned out to be very similar to the excellent diorama entered by Douglas Lee at Euro Militaire 2008, of an American jeep on a sabotaged mountain road. After seeing this, the Jeep went back into the drawer, but now the idea of the retreating Germans avoiding an American patrol suddenly arose.
机译:1944年12月16日,德军在阿登地区对美国人发动突袭时,“鼓胀之战”或“莱茵河畔的瓦赫特”战役被称为战役,多年来一直是许多建模者的灵感来源,大量使用的不同坦克和制服。多年以来,我做了几幅西洋镜,描述了竞选活动中的不同行动,但作为礼物送给亲朋好友或丢进垃圾桶,它们全都荡然无存了。我特别感兴趣的是Kampfgruppe Peiper的行动,最重要的是,德国生产线于12月23日至24日在La Gleize被切断后取得了突破,该部队被迫放弃所有车辆和重型设备。我曾在另一个西洋镜上工作了几个月,在翻找一些零散的东西时,发现半成品的吉普车和勇士的“ Panzerknacker”套装。吉普车最初是一个想法的一部分,结果与道格拉斯·李(Douglas Lee)在2008年欧洲军事杂志上输入的出色西洋镜非常相似,那是一辆美国吉普车在一条被破坏的山路上。看到这一点之后,吉普车回到了抽屉里,但是突然出现了撤退的德国人避免进行美国巡逻的想法。



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