首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogical Magazine >Microdiamonds, their classification and tectonic implications fro the host eclogites from the Dabie and Su-Lu regions in central eastern China

Microdiamonds, their classification and tectonic implications fro the host eclogites from the Dabie and Su-Lu regions in central eastern China


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We have found >10 in situ microdiamonds in thin sections of eclogites from the Dabie and Su-Lu regions of central eastern China since the first occurrence of microdiamond in eclogites from the Dabie Mountains (DMT) reported in 1992. The microdiamonds are found not only in the central part but also in the northern part of the DMT. Several free crystals have been recovered from the crushed eclogites from the central DMT. Most in situ microdiamonds are inclusions in garnets but a few larger ones are intergranular. Most of the diamondiferous eclogites in the central part of the DMT are associated with coesite. Most importantly, the observation of microdiamonds in northern Dabie lead us to question the supposition that this is a low-P metamorphic terrane. All the diamondiferous eclogites from both the north and central DMT are of continental affinity as demonstrated by their negative sNd values. Therefore, both the north and central eclogite belts in the DMT are considered to be from the deep subducted terrane. Five in situ microdiamonds and two free crystals are first reported in this paper. The dimensions of the in situ microdiamonds are 30-180 urn and the free crystals are up to 400-700 urn across. All the microdiamonds are confirmed as such by Raman spectroscopy. The results of an infrared spectroscopic investigation on two larger free crystals and two in situ microdiamonds show that all the microdiamonds from both the Dabie and Su-Lu regions are mixed types IaA and laB diamonds and there is no indication of any synthetic microdiamonds in our samples because such synthetic microdiamonds are always rich in type Ib.
机译:自1992年报道大别山(DMT)的榴辉岩中首次出现微金刚石以来,我们已经在中国中部大别和苏鲁地区的榴辉岩薄片中发现了10多个原位微型金刚石。不仅发现了微型金刚石,在DMT的中部和北部。从中央DMT的榴辉岩中回收了几种游离晶体。大多数原位微金刚石是石榴石中的内含物,但一些较大的是晶间的。 DMT中部的大多数含钻石的榴辉岩均与堇青石有关。最重要的是,在大别北部发现的微金刚石使我们质疑这是一个低磷变质地层的假设。从北部和中部DMT出发,所有含钻石的榴辉岩均具有大陆亲和力,如其负sNd值所示。因此,DMT中的北部和中央榴辉岩带都被认为是来自深俯冲的地层。本文首先报道了五个原位微金刚石和两个自由晶体。原位微金刚石的尺寸为30-180微米,自由晶体的最大直径为400-700微米。所有的微金刚石都通过拉曼光谱法得到证实。对两个较大的自由晶体和两个原位微金刚石进行红外光谱研究的结果表明,来自大别和苏鲁地区的所有微金刚石都是IaA和laB型混合金刚石,并且在我们的样品中没有任何合成的微金刚石的迹象。因为这样的合成微金刚石总是富含Ib型。



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