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Incongruent weathering of Cd and Zn from mine tailings


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Weathering of discharged mine tailings contaminates streams, rivers and floodplains with toxic metals on a vast scale. The magnitude of the problem depends on input tailings mineralogy, storage and dispersal, and climatic conditions. To better understand the mechanisms of long-term tailings weathering, a leaching column study was established, incorporating tailings and soil from Potosi, Bolivia, with the aim of modelling a 25 year field period. The Zn/Cd molar ratio of the tailings leachate water, initially 738 for the unaltered tailings, is highly variable over 15 model years of leaching, particularly in the mixed tailings-soil columns. Columns with soil have ratios as high as 2563, while pure tailings columns reach ratios of <376. We employ complementary techniques, involving atomistic computational modelling, leachate analysis and mineralogical characterization, to elucidate the mechanisms governing these incongruent Cd and Zn weathering dynamics.
机译:矿山尾矿的风化使有毒金属污染河流,河流和洪泛区。问题的严重程度取决于输入尾矿的矿物学,储藏和散布以及气候条件。为了更好地了解长期尾矿风化的机理,建立了一个浸出柱研究,其中包括来自玻利维亚波托西的尾矿和土壤,目的是模拟一个25年的田间期。尾矿渗滤液水的Zn / Cd摩尔比(最初为未改变的尾矿为738)在15个模型年的浸出过程中变化很大,尤其是在混合的尾矿-土壤柱中。带有土壤的色谱柱的比率高达2563,而纯尾矿色谱柱的比率<376。我们采用补充技术,包括原子计算模型,渗滤液分析和矿物学表征,以阐明控制这些不一致的Cd和Zn风化动力学的机理。



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