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Crystallization of calcite from amorphous calcium carbonate: earthworms show the way


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DARWIN (1881) was one of the first scientists to formally record that earthworms excrete calcium carbonate granules, with some up to 2 mm in diameter. However, since Darwin's studies they have received relatively little attention. The function of the granules remains a mystery, but may be related to regulation of Ca, CO_2, pH or some other as yet undiscovered metabolic process (Robertson, 1936; Piearce, 1972). There has recently been an increase in research activity focused on earthworm calcium carbonate granules driven by the work of Canti (Canti, 1998, 2007: Canti and Piearce, 2003) and largely relating to their potential use in archaeology. Canti determined granule production rates of 2.2 mg calcite day~(-1) worm~(-1) which translate into C processing rates of 60 kg C ha~(-1) y~(-1) via earthworm carbonate formation. These values indicate that granule production could play a small but significant role in the soil C cycle. Gago-Duport et al. (2008) have recently published the first detailed mineralogical study of the calcium carbonate granules and have traced their evolution from amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) to calcite using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and THM). Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectro-scopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The aim of our complementary study has been to investigate the microstructures of the granules in order to determine the mechanisms by which they grow within the earthworm and subsequently crystallize to calcite.
机译:DARWIN(1881)是最早正式记录that分泌出直径达2毫米的碳酸钙颗粒的最早科学家之一。然而,自达尔文研究以来,他们受到的关注相对较少。颗粒的功能仍是一个谜,但可能与Ca,CO_2,pH或其他尚未发现的代谢过程的调控有关(Robertson,1936; Piearce,1972)。最近,由Canti的工作推动了对worm碳酸钙颗粒的研究活动的增加(Canti,1998,2007:Canti和Piearce,2003),很大程度上与它们在考古学中的潜在用途有关。 Canti确定了2.2 mg方解石日〜(-1)蠕虫〜(-1)的颗粒生成速率,通过via碳酸盐的形成转化为60 kg C ha〜(-1)y〜(-1)的C处理速率。这些值表明颗粒的产生可能在土壤碳循环中起着很小但很重要的作用。 Gago-Duport等。 (2008年)最近发表了有关碳酸钙颗粒的第一个详细的矿物学研究,并使用扫描和透射电子显微镜(SEM和THM)追踪了它们从无定形碳酸钙(ACC)到方解石的演化过程。傅立叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱和X射线衍射(XRD)。我们补充研究的目的是研究颗粒的微观结构,以确定它们在the中生长并随后结晶为方解石的机制。



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