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The crystal structure of perhamite


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The crystal structure of perhamite, (Ca,Sr)_3Al_(7.7)Si_3P_4O_(23.5)(OH)_(14.1).8H_2O, from the Emmons mine, Maine, USA, has been determined using single crystal X-ray data. The average structure has trigonal symmetry, P3ml, with cell parameters a = 7.021(1) A and c = 20.218(1) A. It was refined to R_1 = 0.044 for 618 observed reflections. The structure comprises ordered blocks of crandallite-type structure, centred at z = 0, intergrown parallel to (001) with disordered aluminosilicate structure blocks centred at z = 1/2 to form a microporous structure containing large channels along [100]. These channels are bounded by 8-member rings of 6 tetrahedra (2 SiO_4, 2 AlO_4 and 2 PO_4) and 2 AlO_6 octahedra. Calcium atoms and water molecules are distributed in the [100] channels. A model was developed for the local ordering of silicon into the fractionally occupied sites in the (001) layer at z = 1/2 and this model was refined in space group P321 to R_1 = 0.041 for 933 observed reflections. The dominant contributors to the local order are Si_3O_9 rings of corner-shared tetrahedra, together with Si_2O_7 pairs of tetrahedra. These units corner-link to (Al,Si)O_4 tetrahedra above and below the plane at z = 1/2 to form 4-member rings, which in turn comer-share to PO_4 tetrahedra in the crandallite blocks to give the 8-member rings. The analysis suggests that 5-coordinated Si may also be present in the (001) plane at z = 1/2.
机译:来自美国缅因州埃蒙斯矿的(Ca,Sr)_3Al_(7.7)Si_3P_4O_(23.5)(OH)_(14.1).8H_2O的晶体结构已使用单晶X射线数据确定。平均结构具有三角对称性P3ml,单元参数a = 7.021(1)A和c = 20.218(1)A。对于618个观察到的反射,将其精炼为R_1 = 0.044。该结构包括以z = 0为中心,与(001)平行共生的方石英型结构的有序块与以z = 1/2为中心的无序硅铝酸盐结构块共同形成沿着[100]包含大通道的微孔结构。这些通道由6个四面体(2个SiO_4、2个AlO_4和2个PO_4)和2个AlO_6八面体的8元环界定。钙原子和水分子分布在[100]通道中。开发了一个模型,用于将硅局部排序到(001)层中z = 1/2的部分占据的位置,并在空间组P321中将该模型精炼为R_1 = 0.041,以观察到933个反射。局部有序的主要贡献者是角共享四面体的Si_3O_9环,以及四面体的Si_2O_7对。这些单元在z = 1/2处与平面上方和下方的(Al,Si)O_4四面体角连接以形成4成员环,然后依次将其与角晶石块中的PO_4四面体角份额,以得到8成员戒指。分析表明,在(001)平面中z = 1/2时也可能存在5位配位的Si。



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