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Petrogenetic implications from biotite compositional variations in the Cornubian granite batholith


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Lithium oxide contents of biotites in some Cornubian granites which have been studied by electron microprobe are estimated from their SiO_2 and F contents using samples formerly analysed by XRF and wet chemistry. Better formulae which include Li show that most of these biotites are lithian siderophyllites/ lithian Al-annites although some Dartmoor samples, especially those in the basic microgranite (ME) enclaves, are closer to Al-annites. Dartmoor samples are slightly more basic and poorer in Al~(vi) than those from the Isles of Scilly and Carnmenellis granites agreeing with the broad differences in the host rocks. Biotites in volcanic clasts from the New Red Sandstone are significantly different in having much higher Si, Ti, Mg, F and #SIGMA#Y and lower Al~(vi) contents than those of the granite biotites: these are lithian Fe-Mg biotites. These clasts are believed to be the volcanic equivalents of an evolving Dartmoor magma (Awad et al., 1996). If so, their biotites reflect the composition of the granite biotites at the time of magma emplacement. They subsequently evolved as they equilibrated with the cooling granite to give the present biotite compositions of the Dartmoor granites.
机译:使用先前通过XRF和湿化学分析的样品,通过电子微探针研究的某些Cornubian花岗岩中黑云母的氧化锂含量是根据其SiO_2和F含量估算的。更好的包括Li的公式表明,尽管一些Dartmoor样品,尤其是碱性微花岗岩(ME)飞地中的样品,更接近于铝酸铝,但这些黑云母中的大多数为石质铁橄榄石/锂铝酸铝。 Dartmoor样品的Al〜(vi)碱度比来自锡利岛和Carnmenellis花岗岩的样品略碱性,也较差,这与基质岩石的广泛差异相符。新红砂岩火山碎屑中的黑云母与花岗岩黑云母相比具有明显更高的Si,Ti,Mg,F和#SIGMA#Y含量和较低的Al〜(vi)含量:这是石器时代的Fe-Mg黑云母。 。这些碎屑被认为是演化中的达特穆尔岩浆的火山等价物(Awad等,1996)。如果这样的话,它们的黑云母反映出岩浆侵入时花岗岩黑云母的组成。随后,当它们与冷却的花岗岩达到平衡时,它们便演化为Dartmoor花岗岩的黑云母组成。



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