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Modern gold deportments and its application to industry


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Modern gold deportment studies include physical, chemical and mineralogical assessments, combined to obtain a full understanding of the nature and variability of gold in a resource. The objective is to provide information which will allow cost effective and practical processing by informing decisions regarding resource evaluation, mining method and extraction process optimization. The distribution of gold, based on speciation, grain size and mode of occurrence (liberation, exposure, and mineral association) is quantitatively determined by means of automated Scanning Electron Microscopic Techniques (QEMSCAN/MLA). Furthermore, general mineralogical characterization is undertaken in order to characterize the gangue components; with special emphasis on deleterious characteristics of the ore (e.g. cyanide consumers such as secondary Cu-species, preg-robbers/borrowers, passivation due to Sb-minerals or As-minerals and oxygen consumers such as pyrrhotite/marcasite). Predictions based on the mineralogical observations are confirmed by physical and chemical testwork. These include grading analyses, gravity separation, direct cyanidation, and diagnostic (sequential) leach tests.
机译:现代黄金行为研究包括对物理,化学和矿物学的评估,相结合以获得对资源中黄金的性质和可变性的全面了解。目的是通过告知有关资源评估,采矿方法和提取工艺优化的决策,提供信息,以进行具有成本效益的实用处理。金的分布基于形态,晶粒大小和发生方式(释放,暴露和矿物质缔合),通过自动扫描电子显微镜技术(QEMSCAN / MLA)进行定量确定。此外,进行常规矿物学表征以表征脉石成分。特别强调矿石的有害特性(例如,氰化物消费者,例如次要Cu物种,抢劫犯/借款人,由于Sb矿物或As矿物而引起的钝化以及氧气消费者,例如黄铁矿/镁铁矿)。基于矿物学观察的预测已通过物理和化学测试工作得以证实。这些包括分级分析,重力分离,直接氰化和诊断(顺序)浸出测试。



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