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If it's not made to measure...


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James Dillon reveals a handy measurement technique for problematic ignition systems. In May's issue we looked at ignition analysis from a primary and secondary voltage perspective. But, what if the design of the ignition system or its fitting location within the vehicle makes it difficult to measure? Well, there is technique which employs the low range current clamp that can show the function of the ignition coil and its control. Figure 1 shows the clamp and its location within the circuit. The current clamp in question is a low range (0 to 60 amps), high accuracy device which has a response of 20 kHz (figure 2). This type of current clamp costs in the region of £100. The principle of its application tips a nod to Gustav Kirchhoff's 'Current Law' where the sum of the current flowing into a node is equal to the sum of the current flowing away from the node. This means, irrespective of whether we measure the coil supply or the coil ground, that the current flow will be the same. For the best results, the current clamp output should be analysed using an oscilloscope, as the speed and dynamics of the coil's function (approx. 6 millisecond pulse every 150 milliseconds) is far beyond the measurement and sampling capabilities of a typical multimeter. Using the current clamp to analyse the ignition coil's function provides an advantage in non-intrusive testing. If we can locate either the coil supply or its ground wire we can take a view, in real time, on the coil's function. Typically, the low voltage wires going to/from the ignition coil are accessible, whether in the engine loom, or directly at the engine ECU. The current clamp has small jaws by design, which are perfect for use in situations where access to the wiring is difficult.
机译:James Dillon揭示了用于有问题的点火系统的便捷测量技术。在5月号中,我们从一次和二次电压的角度研究了点火分析。但是,如果点火系统的设计或其在车辆中的安装位置难以测量怎么办?好吧,有一种采用低范围电流钳的技术可以显示点火线圈的功能及其控制。图1显示了钳位及其在电路中的位置。所讨论的电流钳是一种低范围(0至60安培)的高精度器件,其响应为20 kHz(图2)。这种电流钳的成本大约为100英镑。它的应用原理向古斯塔夫·基尔霍夫(Gustav Kirchhoff)的“电流定律”致敬,其中流入节点的电流之和等于流出该节点的电流之和。这意味着,无论我们是测量线圈电源还是线圈接地,电流都将相同。为了获得最佳结果,应使用示波器分析电流钳输出,因为线圈功能的速度和动态特性(每150毫秒约6毫秒脉冲)远远超出了典型万用表的测量和采样能力。使用电流钳分析点火线圈的功能在非侵入式测试中具有优势。如果我们可以找到线圈电源或其接地线,则可以实时查看线圈的功能。通常,无论是在发动机织机中还是直接在发动机ECU处,都可以触及去往/来自点火线圈的低压电线。电流钳的设计具有较小的钳口,非常适合在难以接近接线的情况下使用。



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