
Pseudomyxoma peritonei: a review of 62 cases.


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AIM: Pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP) is a rare disease characterized by the abundance of mucus in the abdomen without extra-peritoneal growth.METHODS: Our patients with PMP have been treated with cytoreduction and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy since 1996. The clinical and histopathological features of PMP and the relation of these features with disease-free interval and survival were assessed.RESULTS: Sixty-two patients with PMP (24 M/38 F) were studied. Adenomatous mucosal changes were present in 31 patients. In females, the ovaries were normal in 5 patients and pseudomyxoma ovarii was present in 20 patients. Patients with minimal atypia and with 1% focal proliferation or less (n=38) had a better survival (p=0.0008) than those with more focal proliferation (n=14).CONCLUSION: In most patients with PMP the appendix is affected; in females the ovaries are usually also involved. Focal proliferation appears to be a prognostic factor.
机译:目的:腹膜假单胞菌(PMP)是一种罕见的疾病,其特征是腹部粘液丰富而无腹膜外生长。方法:自1996年以来,我们的PMP患者已接受了细胞减灭术和高热腹膜内化学疗法的治疗。结果:对62例PMP(24 M / 38 F)患者进行了研究。 31例患者出现腺瘤性粘膜改变。在女性中,5例卵巢卵巢正常,20例存在卵巢假性黏液瘤。结论:在大多数PMP患者中,阑尾会受到影响;非典型性极小且局灶性增生为1%或更少(n = 38)的患者比局灶性增生较多(n = 14)的患者具有更好的生存率(p = 0.0008)。在女性中,卵巢通常也参与其中。局灶性增生似乎是预后因素。



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