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Industrial past, urban future: using palaeo-studies to determine the industrial legacy of the Barwon Estuary, Victoria, Australia


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Around the globe, heavy industry has often been associated with estuaries, which provide water for operations, waste disposal and navigation. Many of these practices leave a legacy of contamination, which accumulate in the estuaries, which act as sediment sinks. Heavy metal contaminants may remain buried, even after the industrial practices are ceased. The Connewarre Complex is a series of wetlands, within the Port Philip and Bellarine Ramsar site. Through a unique combination of techniques, including diatom assemblages, biogeochemistry (delta(13) C, delta(15) N, C/N) and heavy metal content, the major anthropogenic influences over the last 170 years and the biotic response has been determined. Key features that can be elucidated include regulation of the waterways, establishment of heavy industry and major shifts in climatic conditions. In combination, these drivers have acted to rapidly shift the condition of the wetland from early in settlement such that the perceived 'natural ecological character' is actually an artificial one. The legacy of contamination is common to many Ramsar-listed wetlands. The lesson from this site is that, when making plans to manage the ecological condition of a wetland, past use needs to be considered to ensure that well meaning interventions do not exacerbate risk of mobilising contaminants best left undisturbed.
机译:在全球范围内,重工业通常与河口相关,河口为运营,废物处理和航行提供水。这些实践中有许多都留下了污染的痕迹,这些污染积聚在河口中,起着沉积物的作用。即使停止工业操作,重金属污染物也可能仍被掩埋。 Connewarre建筑群是菲利普港和贝拉琳·拉姆萨尔港所在地内的一系列湿地。通过独特的技术组合,包括硅藻组装,生物地球化学(δ(13)C,δ(15)N,C / N)和重金属含量,确定了过去170年的主要人为影响力并确定了生物响应。可以阐明的关键特征包括水道管制,重工业的建立以及气候条件的重大转变。这些驱动因素共同作用,从定居初期就迅速改变了湿地的状况,以至于感知到的“自然生态特征”实际上是人为的。污染的遗留现象在许多拉姆萨尔(Ramsar)列出的湿地中很普遍。该站点的教训是,在制定管理湿地生态条件的计划时,需要考虑过去的使用情况,以确保善意的干预措施不会加剧动员最好不受干扰的污染物的风险。



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