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Bernanke a boon for gold?


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On March 2 last year, the man who is shortly to take over from Alan Greenspan as chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank delivered the H. Parker Willis Lecture in Economics at the Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. Ben Bernanke's speech was titled Money, Gold, and the Great Depression. For gold explorers, miners and investors, this address provided some interesting insights into the views of the man who will be the most powerful economic figure on the planet from January 2006. In this speech, Bernanke placed some of the blame for the breadth and depth of the economic collapse that threw millions of people out of work and destroyed millions of businesses on the Federal Reserve's insistence on maintaining the gold standard.
机译:去年3月2日,即将接任艾伦·格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)担任美国联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve)主席的那个人在弗吉尼亚州列克星敦市华盛顿和李大学的H. Parker Willis经济学讲座上作了讲话。本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)的演讲题为《金钱,黄金和大萧条》。对于金矿勘探者,矿工和投资者而言,此讲话为他提供了一些有趣的见解,他将从2006年1月起将成为地球上最有影响力的经济人物。伯南克在讲话中将其责任归咎于广度和深度由于美联储坚持维持金本位制,经济崩溃导致数百万人失业,并摧毁了数百万企业。



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