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An Epidemiological Survey on the Outbreak of Cholera of Overseas Travelers in Daejeon


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Purpose: This study was coducted to describe the epidemiological, characteristics of the outbreak of cholera of overseas travelers on Aug. 2005 in Daejeon. Materials and Methods: Interview using a standard questionnaire and rectal swab were conducted to 15 overseas travelers ,27 persons who contacted with travelers. Results: Epidemiological characteristics of the 2005 cholera epidemic of Daejeon are as follows: 1. Isolated species were Vibrio cholerae, O1 E1 Tor Ogawa. There were 6 culture-proven patients, 4 culture-not proven patients and 2 asymptomatic carriers. There was no case of person to person infection and no fatal cases 2. The sex distribution of cholera patients was equal. The most of cholera patients were at the age of fifties. 3. The duration of diarrhea was 4.4 days. The number of diarrhea per 1day was 5.5.4. Source of Vibrio cholerae in this outbreak was suggested to be the contaminated food from the overseas traveling to epidemic area, Mandalay, Myanmar on Aug. 8, 2005. Conclusions: It is recommended that the government should be prepared to prevent cholera of overseas travelers effectively. To prevent the outbreak of cholera by chronic carriers, we need to strengthen the monitoring sytem of diarrhoeal diseases.
机译:目的:本研究旨在描述2005年8月在大田爆发的海外旅行者霍乱的流行病学特征。材料和方法:使用标准问卷和直肠拭子对15名海外旅行者进行访谈,其中27名与旅行者接触过的人。结果:2005年大田霍乱疫情的流行病学特征如下:1.分离出的菌种为霍乱弧菌、O1 E1 Tor Ogawa。有 6 例经培养证实的患者、4 例未经培养证实的患者和 2 例无症状携带者。没有人际感染病例,也没有死亡病例2。霍乱患者的性别分布相等。大多数霍乱患者年龄在五十多岁。3.腹泻持续时间为4.4天。每1天腹泻次数为5.5.4。这次疫情的霍乱弧菌来源被认为是2005年8月8日从海外前往缅甸曼德勒疫区的受污染食品。结论:建议政府做好有效预防海外旅客霍乱的准备。为了防止慢性携带者暴发霍乱,我们需要加强腹泻病的监测系统。



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