首页> 外文期刊>Microbial drug resistance: MDR : Mechanisms, epidemiology, and disease >Presence of Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use in Sows Are Risk Factors for Antimicrobial Resistance in Their Offspring

Presence of Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Use in Sows Are Risk Factors for Antimicrobial Resistance in Their Offspring


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This study investigated whether antimicrobial-resistant Escherichia coli in apparently healthy sows and antimicrobial administration to sows and piglets influenced antimicrobial resistance in fecal commensal E. coli from piglets. Sixty sows from three herds and three of their piglets were sampled at several time points. Antimicrobial usage data during parturition and farrowing were collected. Clinical resistance was determined for two isolates per sampling time point for sows and piglets using disk diffusion. Only 27.4% of E. coli isolates from newborn piglets showed no resistance. Resistance to one or two antimicrobial classes equaled 41.2% and 46.8% in isolates from sows and piglets, respectively, for the overall farrowing period. Multiresistance to at least four classes was found as frequently in sows (15.6%) as in piglets (15.2%). Antimicrobial resistance in piglets was influenced by antimicrobial use in sows and piglets and by the sow resistance level (p <= 0.05). Using aminopenicillins and third-generation cephalosporins in piglets affected resistance levels in piglets (odds ratios [OR] >1; p <= 0.05). Using enrofloxacin in piglets increased the odds for enrofloxacin resistance in piglets (OR=26.78; p <= 0.0001) and sows at weaning (OR=4.04; p <= 0.05). For sows, antimicrobial exposure to lincomycin-spectinomycin around parturition increased the resistance to ampicillin, streptomycin, trimethoprim-sulfadiazine in sows (OR=21.33, OR=142.74, OR=18.03; p <= 0.05) and additionally to enrofloxacin in piglets (OR=7.50; p <= 0.05). This study demonstrates that antimicrobial use in sows and piglets is a risk factor for antimicrobial resistance in the respective animals. Moreover, resistance determinants in E. coli from piglets are selected by using antimicrobials in their dam around parturition.
机译:这项研究调查了看似健康的母猪中的抗药性大肠杆菌以及对母猪和仔猪的抗菌管理是否影响了仔猪粪便共生大肠杆菌的抗药性。在几个时间点对来自三头牛群和三头小猪的六十头母猪进行了采样。收集分娩和分娩过程中的抗菌药物使用数据。使用圆盘扩散法在每个采样时间点为母猪和仔猪确定两种分离株的临床耐药性。新生仔猪中只有27.4%的大肠杆菌分离株没有抗药性。在整个分娩期,从母猪和仔猪中分离出的对一种或两种抗菌剂的抵抗力分别等于41.2%和46.8%。母猪(15.6%)和仔猪(15.2%)的抵抗力至少达到四个等级。仔猪和仔猪中的抗菌素使用量以及母猪的抗药性水平会影响仔猪的抗药性(p <= 0.05)。在仔猪中使用氨基青霉素和第三代头孢菌素会影响仔猪的抗药性水平(优势比[OR]> 1; p <= 0.05)。在仔猪中使用恩诺沙星会增加仔猪对恩诺沙星耐药的几率(OR = 26.78; p <= 0.0001)和断奶母猪(OR = 4.04; p <= 0.05)。对于母猪,分娩前后对林可霉素-壮观霉素的抗菌暴露增加了对母猪对氨苄青霉素,链霉素,甲氧苄氨磺胺嘧啶的抗药性(OR = 21.33,OR = 142.74,OR = 18.03; p <= 0.05),此外对仔猪的恩诺沙星耐药(OR = 7.50; p <= 0.05)。这项研究表明,母猪和仔猪使用抗菌素是相应动物中抗菌素耐药性的危险因素。而且,仔猪在大肠杆菌中的抗性决定簇是通过在分娩前后的大坝中使用抗菌剂来选择的。



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