首页> 外文期刊>Microbial Ecology: An International Journal >Phylogeny of Nodulation Genes and Symbiotic Diversity of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. and A-seyal (Del.) Mesorhizobium Strains from Different Regions of Senegal

Phylogeny of Nodulation Genes and Symbiotic Diversity of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. and A-seyal (Del.) Mesorhizobium Strains from Different Regions of Senegal


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Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal are small, deciduous legume trees, most highly valued for nitrogen fixation and for the production of gum arabic, a commodity of international trade since ancient times. Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by legumes represents the main natural input of atmospheric N-2 into ecosystems which may ultimately benefit all organisms. We analyzed the nod and nif symbiotic genes and symbiotic properties of root-nodulating bacteria isolated from A. senegal and A. seyal in Senegal. The symbiotic genes of rhizobial strains from the two Acacia species were closed to those of Mesorhizobium plurifarium and grouped separately in the phylogenetic trees. Phylogeny of rhizobial nitrogen fixation gene nifH was similar to those of nodulation genes (nodA and nodC). All A. senegal rhizobial strains showed identical nodA, nodC, and nifH gene sequences. By contrast, A. seyal rhizobial strains exhibited different symbiotic gene sequences. Efficiency tests demonstrated that inoculation of both Acacia species significantly affected nodulation, total dry weight, acetylene reduction activity (ARA), and specific acetylene reduction activity (SARA) of plants. However, these cross-inoculation tests did not show any specificity of Mesorhizobium strains toward a given Acacia host species in terms of infectivity and efficiency as stated by principal component analysis (PCA). This study demonstrates that large-scale inoculation of A. senegal and A. seyal in the framework of reafforestation programs requires a preliminary step of rhizobial strain selection for both Acacia species.
机译:塞内加尔相思和相思相思是小的落叶豆类树,在固氮和阿拉伯树胶生产方面具有很高的价值,自古以来就是国际贸易商品。豆类共生固氮代表大气N-2向生态系统的主要自然输入,这可能最终使所有生物受益。我们分析了从塞内加尔A.塞内加尔和A. seyal分离的根瘤细菌的nod和nif共生基因以及共生特性。来自两个相思树种的根瘤菌菌株的共生基因与中生根瘤菌的共生基因接近,并分别在系统发育树中分组。根瘤菌固氮基因nifH的系统发育与结瘤基因(nodA和nodC)相似。所有塞内加尔根瘤菌菌株均显示相同的nodA,nodC和nifH基因序列。相反,A。seyal根瘤菌菌株表现出不同的共生基因序列。效率测试表明,接种两种相思树种均显着影响植物的结瘤,总干重,乙炔还原活性(ARA)和特定乙炔还原活性(SARA)。但是,这些交叉接种测试并未显示出根瘤菌菌株对给定金合欢属宿主物种的特异性和感染性,如主成分分析(PCA)所述。这项研究表明,在重新造林计划的框架内大规模接种塞内加尔和塞萨尔沙门氏菌需要针对这两种相思树种选择根瘤菌菌株的初步步骤。



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