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Laboratory impacts into dry and wet sandstone with and without an overlying water layer: Implications for scaling laws and projectile survivability


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Scaling laws describing crater dimensions are defined in terms of projectile velocity and mass, densities of the materials involved, strength of the target, and the local gravity. Here, the additional importance of target porosity and saturation, and an overlying water layer, are considered through 15 laboratory impacts of 1 mm diameter stainless steel projectiles at 5 km s(-1) into a) an initially uncharacterized sandstone (porosity similar to 17%) and b) Coconino Sandstone (porosity similar to 23%). The higher-porosity dry sandstone allows a crater to form with a larger diameter but smaller depth than in the lower-porosity dry sandstone. Furthermore, for both porosities, a greater volume of material is excavated from a wet target than a dry target (by 27-30%). Comparison of our results with Pi-scaling (dimensionless ratios of key parameters characterizing cratering data over a range of scales) suggests that porosity is important for scaling laws given that the new data lie significantly beneath the current fit for ice and rock targets on a pi(v) versus pi(3) Plot (pi(v) gives cratering efficiency and pi(3) the influence of target strength). An overlying water layer results in a reduction of crater dimensions, with larger craters produced in the saturated targets compared to unsaturated targets. A water depth of approximately 12 times the projectile diameter is required before craters are no longer observed in the targets. Previous experimental studies have shown that this ratio varies between 10 and 20 (Gault and Sonett 1982). In our experiments similar to 25% of the original projectile mass survives the impact.
机译:描述弹坑尺寸的比例定律是根据弹丸速度和质量,所涉及材料的密度,目标的强度以及局部重力来定义的。在这里,目标孔隙率和饱和度以及上覆水层的额外重要性是通过以下实验来考虑的:在5 km s(-1)处通过直径为1 mm的不锈钢弹丸在15次实验室冲击中进入a)最初未表征的砂岩(孔隙度类似于17 %)和b)可可诺砂岩(孔隙度近似于23%)。与较低孔隙度的干燥砂岩相比,较高孔隙度的干燥砂岩允许形成直径更大但深度较小的火山口。此外,对于两种孔隙率,从湿靶材中挖掘出的材料量比干靶材中的材料大(27-30%)。将我们的结果与Pi缩放比例(表征一系列范围内的火山口数据的关键参数的无量纲比)进行比较表明,孔隙度对于缩放定律非常重要,因为新数据大大低于pi上冰和岩石目标的当前拟合值(v)与pi(3)的关系图(pi(v)给出弹坑效率,而pi(3)给出目标强度的影响)。上覆的水层导致火山口尺寸减小,与不饱和目标相比,饱和目标中产生的火山口更大。在不再在目标中观察到弹坑之前,需要大约12倍于弹丸直径的水深。以前的实验研究表明,该比率在10到20之间变化(Gault和Sonett 1982)。在我们的实验中,类似的原始弹丸质量的25%可以幸免。



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