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Subduction zone metamorphism during formation and emplacement of the Semail ophiolite in the Oman Mountains


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The metamorphic sole along the base of the Semail ophiolite in Oman records the earliest thrust slice subducted and accreted to the base of the ophiolite mantle sequence. In the Bani Hamid area (United Arab Emirates) a c. 870 m thick thrust slice of granulite facies rocks includes garnet + diopside amphibolites, enstatite + cordierite + sillimanite + spinel ± sapphirine quartzites, alkaline mafic granulites (meta-jacupirangites) quartzo-feldspathic gneisses and calc-silicates. The latter contain garnet + diopside + scapolite + plagioclase + wollastonite. P-T conditions of granulite facies metamorpnism are in the range 800-860 ℃ and 10.5 ± 1.0 kbar to 14.7 ± 2.8 kbar. Garner + clinopyroxene + hornblende + plagioclase amphibolites from the metamorphic sole record peak P-T conditions of 840 ± 70 ℃ and 11.6 ℃ 1.6 kbar (THERMOCAL average P-T mode) and 840-870 ℃ and 13.9-11.8 kbar (conventional thermobarometry) with low degrees of partial melting producting very small melt segregations of tonalitic material. Pressure estimates are equivalent to depths of 57-46 km beneath oceanic crust, much deeper than can be accounted for by the thickness of the ophiolite. ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar hornblende ages from the amphibolites range from 95-93 Ma, synchronous with formation of the plagiogranites in the ophiolite crustal sequence (95 Ma), eruption of the Lasail (V2) volcanic sequence and deposition of Cenomanian-Turonian radiolaria in metalliferous sediments between the Geotimes (V1) and Lasail (V2) lavas. Protoliths of the metamorphic sole were Triassic-Jurassic and early Cretaceous Haybi volcanic rocks, Exotic limestones and quartzites and were clearly not equivalent to the Semail ophiolite rocks, showing that initiation of subduction could not have occurred at the ridge axis. Heat for metamorhism was derived from the mantle sequence harzburgites and dunites which were at or around 1100-1500 ℃. All data from the sub-ophiolite metamorphic sole in Oman and the United Arab Emirates indicate that the ophiolite was formed in a Supra-Subduction zone setting and that obduction occurred along a NE-dipping high-temperature subduction zone during Late Cretaceous times.
机译:沿阿曼的Semail蛇绿岩底部变质的底部记录了俯冲并增生到蛇绿岩地幔序列底部的最早的逆冲断层。在Bani Hamid地区(阿拉伯联合酋长国)a。 870 m厚的花岗石相岩冲断层包括石榴石+透辉石两闪石,顽辉石+堇青石+硅线石+尖晶石±蓝宝石石英岩,碱性镁铁质花岗石(元-jacupirangites)石英长石质片麻岩和钙硅酸盐。后者含有石榴石+透辉石+闪锌矿+斜长石+硅灰石。粒岩相变质作用的P-T条件在800-860℃和10.5±1.0kbar至14.7±2.8kbar的范围内。变质的单一底物的Garner +斜辉石+角闪石+斜长石斜长石两栖生物记录的PT峰值峰值为840±70℃和11.6℃1.6 kbar(THERMOCAL平均PT模式)以及840-870℃和13.9-11.8 kbar(常规热压法)部分熔融会产生非常小的熔融金属偏析物。压力估算值相当于洋壳下方57-46 km的深度,其深度比蛇绿岩的厚度所能解释的深度要深得多。角闪石的〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar角闪石年龄范围为95-93 Ma,与蛇绿岩地壳层序(95 Ma)中斜长花岗岩的形成,拉萨尔(V2)火山喷发和沉积同步大洋时间(V1)和拉萨尔(V2)熔岩之间含金属沉积物中的西诺曼-土伦放射虫的形成。变质底的原岩为三叠纪-侏罗纪和早白垩纪的Haybi火山岩,奇异的石灰岩和石英岩,显然不等同于Semail蛇绿岩,表明在俯冲轴上不可能发生俯冲。变质热来自于地幔序列中的harzburgite和dunits,温度在1100-1500℃左右。来自阿曼和阿拉伯联合酋长国的亚蛇绿岩变质岩底的所有数据表明,蛇绿岩形成于俯冲带上俯冲带,在白垩纪晚期沿俯冲向东北的高温俯冲带发生俯冲。



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