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U-Pb zircon age dating of a rapakivi granite batholith in Rangni massif, North Korea


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Rapakivi granites and several small leucogabbroic and gabbroic bodies are located in the Rangnim Massif, North Korea. The largest batholith in the Myohyang Mountains covers an area of 300 km(2) and was intruded into Precambrian metamorphosed rocks. It has a SHRIMP U-Pb zircon weighted mean (207)ph/Pb-206 age of 1861 +/- 7 Ma. The country rocks of rapakivi granites are Neoarchaean orthogneisses and Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic graphite-bearing metasedimentary rocks of granulite facies, and they are similar to those of the rapakivi granites and anorthosites exposed in South Korea and in the North China Craton. We conclude that the three massifs in the Korean Peninsula commonly record an identical Palaeo-Mesoproterozoic anorogenic magmatic event, indicating that they have a common Precambrian basement with the North China Craton.
机译:Rapakivi花岗岩以及一些小的白垩纪和辉长岩体位于朝鲜的朗尼姆地块。妙阳山上最大的岩基覆盖了300 km(2),并侵入了前寒武纪变质岩中。它的SHRIMP U-Pb锆石加权平均(207)ph / Pb-206年龄为1861 +/- 7 Ma。 rapakivi花岗岩的乡村岩石是新古生界的正片麻岩和含古中元古代石墨的花岗质相的沉积沉积岩,它们类似于在韩国和华北克拉通暴露的rapakivi花岗岩和无钙铁矿。我们得出的结论是,朝鲜半岛的三个断层通常记录着相同的古中元古代造山作用岩浆事件,表明它们与华北克拉通有一个共同的前寒武纪基底。



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