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Prostate cancer screening


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We took great interest in reading the review based on two randomized controlled trials on screening for prostate cancer. One of these is the "Norrkoping Study" conducted by our group. Unfortunately, the name of the journal had been omitted (Eur Urol) in the reference list.As noted by the authors, the impact on the quality of life, associated harms or cost was not mentioned in the article. These issues, however, have been addressed in previous reports. Our screening trial was primarily designed to study the acceptability, costs, psychosocial consequences, and organisation. Recently, we published a separate paper on costs and effects of prostate cancer screening in Sweden with 15 years follow-up including a decision model to calculate the total costs of the programme. Introducing our screening programme in Sweden would incur 244 million SEK (265 millionEuro) annually as additional costs for screening and treatment compared to a non-screening strategy.
机译:我们对阅读基于两项筛查前列腺癌的随机对照试验的综述非常感兴趣。其中之一就是我们小组进行的“诺尔雪平研究”。不幸的是,该期刊的名称在参考文献清单中被省略了(Eur Urol),正如作者所指出的那样,本文并未提及对生活质量,相关危害或成本的影响。但是,以前的报告已经解决了这些问题。我们的筛选试验主要用于研究可接受性,成本,社会心理后果和组织。最近,我们发表了另一篇有关瑞典前列腺癌筛查成本和效果的论文,并进行了15年的随访,其中包括用于计算该计划总成本的决策模型。与非筛选策略相比,在瑞典引入我们的筛选计划每年将产生2.44亿瑞典克朗(2.65亿欧元)的额外筛选和治疗费用。



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