首页> 外文期刊>Microbiological Research >Comparative trial of different anti-bacterial combinations with propolis and ciprofloxacin on Pseudomonas keratitis in rabbits.

Comparative trial of different anti-bacterial combinations with propolis and ciprofloxacin on Pseudomonas keratitis in rabbits.


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The aim of the current study is to evaluate the effects of five different treatment combinations to find out whether propolis could be an alternative or an adjunctive treatment, in experimental Pseudomonas aeruginosa keratitis. Intrastromal P. aeruginosa strains were given to both eyes of 20 young New Zealand white rabbits. The rabbits were randomly divided equally into five treatment groups: ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone drops (C+D), ciprofloxacin drops (C), ciprofloxacin and propolis drops (C+P), propolis drops (P), and 3% ethanol drops (control). Directly before the first treatment and 108 h after inoculation, the eyes were examined by slit lamp to assess the corneal opacity and the rabbits were sacrificed for bacterial count. The mean corneal opacity scores and the mean bacterial counts log cfu/ml were significantly different in the treatment groups (P=0.001; ANOVA). According to post hoc tests for both the mean bacterial counts and corneal opacity scores, C+D, C, C+P groups were found to be statistically the same (P>0.05), and although the P group had significantly better scores than the control group, it did not reach the scores of the rest of the treatment groups (P<0.01). We conclude that propolis may be a useful adjunctive agent but should not be regarded as a replacement for traditional antibiotic therapy for P. aeruginosa keratitis in rabbits..
机译:本研究的目的是评估在实验性铜绿假单胞菌性角膜炎中,五种不同治疗组合的效果,以查明蜂胶是替代疗法还是辅助疗法。向20只年轻的新西兰白兔的两只眼中给予铜绿假单胞菌菌株。将兔随机分为五个治疗组:环丙沙星和地塞米松滴剂(C + D),环丙沙星滴剂(C),环丙沙星和蜂胶滴剂(C + P),蜂胶滴剂(P)和3%乙醇滴剂(对照组) )。刚好在第一次治疗前和接种后108小时,用裂隙灯检查眼睛以评估角膜混浊度,并处死兔子进行细菌计数。在治疗组中,平均角膜混浊评分和平均细菌计数log cfu / ml显着不同(P = 0.001; ANOVA)。根据事后检验的平均细菌计数和角膜混浊评分,C + D,C,C + P组在统计学上是相同的(P> 0.05),尽管P组的评分显着高于P + 0.05组。对照组,未达到其余治疗组的评分(P <0.01)。我们得出的结论是蜂胶可能是有用的辅助剂,但不应视为替代传统抗生素治疗兔绿脓杆菌性角膜炎的方法。



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