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Social rejection by peers: A risk factor for psychological distress


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Aims: The study examined the relationship between social rejection by peers, personal resources (potency and perceived social support) and psychological distress among Israeli adolescents. Methods: Five hundred and eleven adolescents aged 12-17 (high-school students from two rural Israeli schools) completed self-report questionnaires consisting of the following measures: peer rejection (PR; ranged from having been ignored, cursed, assaulted, bullied, to having been physically attacked), posttraumatic symptoms (PTS), social avoidance, depression symptoms, potency and perceived social support. Results: Thirty-five percent of the students reported experiencing some kind of social rejection (SR). One-way ANOVA and stepwise linear regression tests showed that those who experienced SR had higher levels of depression, PTS symptoms, and social avoidance compared to those who had no such history. In addition, personal resources, potency in particular was found to mediate the distress. Conclusions: Findings indicated that adolescents who reported experiencing peer rejection had higher levels of psychological distress. In addition, the lower the personal resources were, the higher the levels of psychological distress. Potency buffered the level of distress resulting from social rejection by peers. Compared to boys, rejected girls had lower potency levels.
机译:目的:该研究考察了以色列青少年被同龄人拒绝的社会排斥、个人资源(效力和感知的社会支持)和心理困扰之间的关系。方法:511名12-17岁的青少年(来自以色列两所农村学校的高中生)完成了自我报告问卷,包括以下措施:同伴拒绝(PR;范围从被忽视,诅咒,攻击,欺凌到受到身体攻击),创伤后症状(PTS),社交回避,抑郁症状,效力和感知的社会支持。结果:35%的学生报告说经历过某种社会排斥(SR)。单因素方差分析和逐步线性回归检验显示,与没有此类病史的患者相比,经历过 SR 的患者具有更高水平的抑郁、PTS 症状和社交回避。此外,个人资源,特别是效力被发现可以调解痛苦。结论:研究结果表明,报告经历过同伴拒绝的青少年具有更高水平的心理困扰。此外,个人资源越低,心理困扰的程度就越高。效力缓冲了因同龄人的社会排斥而产生的痛苦程度。与男孩相比,被拒绝的女孩的效力水平较低。



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