首页> 外文期刊>Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, A. Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science >Diffusion, Mobility and Their Interrelation through Free Energy in Binary Metallic Systems

Diffusion, Mobility and Their Interrelation through Free Energy in Binary Metallic Systems


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IT has been known for sometime that in an ionic lattice, such as that of Ag_2S or FeO, the migration velocity of the anion may differ markedly from that of the cation, the cation being usually the more mobile. It has been shown, for example, that during the formation of silver sulphide tarnish on silver, the tarnish layer grows principally by the motion of silver cations through an essentially stationary silver sulphide lattice. Similarly, the growth of wiistite scale on iron proceeds principally by motion of iron ions, this being accomplished with the aid of vacant iron lattice sites into which the iron may readily move. Likewise investigations of solid solutions of various salts show that there is usually considerable difference in the mobility of the different cations. Measurements of the mobility of various metals in liquid mercury indicate that the various metals move at different rates relative to the mercury.



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