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Urban forest playground


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The central message of "Tree Adventure" at the Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia is: "We need trees and the urban forest needs us." The centerpiece, "Out on a Limb," is a 450-foot- (137-m-) long walkway to the treetops, and "Squirrel Scramble" is an open net climb suspended 50 feet (15 m) above the forest floor. Completed in July 2009, Philadelphia-based Metcalfe Architecture & Design worked closely with the structural engineer, CVM Engineering, Oaks, Pa., to design a structure that did not hang on the trees for risk of killing the trees and/or having a falling tree destroy the structure, but instead consists of tall towers and ramps that weave the way through the forest. If a tree hits and damages one part of Out on a Limb, the other parts will continue to stand alone.
机译:费城宾夕法尼亚大学莫里斯植物园的“树木冒险”的中心信息是:“我们需要树木,城市森林需要我们。”核心部分是“伸到树枝上”,是一条通往树梢的450英尺(137米)长的人行道,而“松鼠争夺”是一个悬挂在林地上方50英尺(15 m)处的开放式净爬梯。位于费城的Metcalfe Architecture&Design于2009年7月竣工,与宾夕法尼亚州奥克斯市的结构工程师CVM Engineering密切合作,设计出了一种不会挂在树上的结构,以免致死或倒下的危险。树木破坏了建筑物的结构,但由高耸的塔和坡道组成,它们在森林中编织。如果一棵树撞到并损坏了肢体上伸出的一部分,则其他部分将继续保持独立。



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