首页> 外文期刊>Anatomy and embryology >The development of the diencephalon inXenopus

The development of the diencephalon inXenopus




The development of the diencephalon and the time of origin of neurons of thalamic nuclei were determined inXenopuswith 3H-thymidine autoradiography Isotope was administered into embryos, tadpoles and metamorphic animals and sacrificed after survival time between 24 hours and 5 months. The position and the number of heavily labeled cells, corresponding to terminal mitoses at the time of isotope injection were established on transverse and sagittal sections of the frog brain. Neurons in the diencephalon were distributed in a spatiotemporal manner such, that cells generated earliest were located in the caudo-ventro-lateral portion of the diencephalon followed in a rostro-dorso-medial sequence by cells formed at later stages. The waves of cell generation resulted in three apparent developmental gradients in the caudo-rostral, latero-medial and in the ventro-dorsal directions in the diencephalon. Consequently neurons generated latest were found in the rostro-dorso-medial portion of the diencephalon. the overall rostro-dorso-medial diencephalic growth and the spatiotemporal generation of its neurons are the reverse of the tectal growth and cell generation reported inXenopuswhich occurs in a rostrolateral to caudomedial direction.



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