首页> 外文期刊>Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology >Direct physical study of kinetochore-microtubule interactions by reconstitution and interrogation with an optical force clamp.

Direct physical study of kinetochore-microtubule interactions by reconstitution and interrogation with an optical force clamp.


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We detail our use of computer-controlled optical traps to study interactions between kinetochore components and dynamic microtubules. Over the last two decades optical traps have helped uncover the working principles of conventional molecular motors, such as kinesin and dynein, but only recently have they been applied to study kinetochore function. The most useful traps combine sensitive position detectors and servo-control, allowing them to be operated as force clamps that maintain constant loads on objects as they move. Our instrument, which is among the simplest designs that permits force clamping, relies on a computer-controlled piezoelectric stage and a single laser for trapping and position detection. We apply it in motility assays where beads coated with pure microtubule-binding kinetochore components are attached to the tips of individual dynamic microtubules. Like kinetochores in vivo, the beads remain tip-attached, undergoing movements coupled to filament assembly and disassembly. The force clamp provides many benefits over instruments that lack feedback control. It allows tension to be applied continuously during both assembly- and disassembly-driven movement, providing a close match to the physiological situation. It also enables tracking with high resolution, and simplifies data interpretation by eliminating artifacts due to molecular compliance. The formation of persistent, load-bearing attachments to dynamic microtubule tips is fundamental to all kinetochore activities. Our direct, physical study of kinetochore-microtubule coupling may therefore furnish insights into many vital kinetochore functions, including correction of aberrant attachments and generation of the 'wait-anaphase' signals that delay mitosis until all kinetochores are properly attached.



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