首页> 外文期刊>Theory of computing systems >A Unifying Approximate Potential for Weighted Congestion Games

A Unifying Approximate Potential for Weighted Congestion Games


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Abstract We provide a unifying, black-box tool for establishing existence of approximate equilibria in weighted congestion games and, at the same time, bounding their Price of Stability. Our framework can handle resources with general costs—including, in particular, decreasing ones—and is formulated in terms of a set of parameters which are determined via elementary analytic properties of the cost functions. We demonstrate the power of our tool by applying it to recover the recent result of Caragiannis and Fanelli ICALP’19 for polynomial congestion games; improve upon the bounds for fair cost sharing games by Chen and Roughgarden Theory Comput. Syst., 2009; and derive new bounds for nondecreasing concave costs. An interesting feature of our framework is that it can be readily applied to mixtures of different families of cost functions; for example, we provide bounds for games whose resources are conical combinations of polynomial and concave costs. In the core of our analysis lies the use of a unifying approximate potential function which is simple and general enough to be applicable to arbitrary congestion games, but at the same time powerful enough to produce state-of-the-art bounds across a range of different cost functions.
机译:摘要 我们提供了一个统一的黑匣子工具,用于建立加权拥塞博弈中近似均衡的存在性,同时限制其稳定性价格。我们的框架可以处理具有一般成本的资源,特别是减少成本的资源,并且是根据一组参数制定的,这些参数是通过成本函数的基本解析性质确定的。我们通过应用它来恢复 Caragiannis 和 Fanelli [ICALP'19] 对多项式拥塞博弈的最新结果,从而展示了我们工具的强大功能;Chen 和 Roughgarden 的 Improvement on the bounds for fair cost sharing games [Theory Comput. Syst., 2009];并推导出不递减凹成本的新边界。我们的框架的一个有趣的特点是,它可以很容易地应用于不同成本函数族的混合;例如,我们为资源是多项式和凹成本的圆锥形组合的博弈提供边界。我们分析的核心在于使用一个统一的近似势函数,该函数足够简单和通用,适用于任意拥塞博弈,但同时又足够强大,可以在一系列不同的成本函数中产生最先进的边界。




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